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  1. I think a big reason to why your class doesn't work is because of the way the RenderPlayer object is retrived from the RenderManager. This code here: public Render getEntityRenderObject(Entity p_78713_1_) { if (p_78713_1_ instanceof AbstractClientPlayer) { String s = ((AbstractClientPlayer)p_78713_1_).getSkinType(); RenderPlayer renderplayer = (RenderPlayer)this.skinMap.get(s); return renderplayer != null ? renderplayer : this.field_178637_m; } else { return this.getEntityClassRenderObject(p_78713_1_.getClass()); } } Now, every player is an instance of AbstractClientPlayer and I think you can see one reason to why it doesn't work. You put the RenderPlayer object in entityRenderMap , but it should actually be in skinMap . Even with this I am not sure if your code will work, but at least this will point you in the right direction. Good luck. Edit: Well I see that EntityPlayerMP is not a child of AbstractClientPlayer , which makes things different. My knowledge about these things is limited but I hope it helps nontheless.
  2. I agree that would be better. I was just not able to do it. It seemed to me that mc uses net.minecraft.util.MouseHelper to change the view, but I was not able to change the displacement even if I changed the dX and dY values. If anyone is able to do this or find a simpler solution, please let me know.
  3. How about just storing the value before you set it to 0 and then set it back to the old value when you are finished.
  4. This is an old post, but I figured I might as well post a solution I found to disable the mouse movement input to prevent the camera moving. Simply by setting the mouse sensitivity to 0. To do this the sensitivity actually has to be set to a negative number to cancel out a constant which is added in the source. Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.mouseSensitivity = -1F/3F;
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