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Everything posted by V497_Vesper

  1. Thank you for your reply Noppes, one other question with the companion job, how does it work? Do you need to script it or will there be more drop down menus to set the type of companion?
  2. Good day to you all, I have a question, does anyone else's Custom NPC's have the same bug as mine? When I tried to set a standing position to hug the NPC went into crawl and when i switched it to crawl it went to the hug stance, the two animations are switched around. the other mods I have installed with Custom NPC's are:- Chisel-MC1.8.9- Extra Utilities 2 Journey Map Just enough Items Mantle More Player Models Mr Crayfish's Furniture Mod Tinkers' Construct is it a clash with More Player Models? Because I use More Player Models quite a lot and I know it has its own version within the Custom NPC's mod
  3. The builders block is an interesting tool and is very well thought out, to use it you need to place it in your world and yes it does build the structure for you however... you need to place an NPC (or 2) near it and give them the builder job, once you have done that enter the builder's block GUI using the NPC wand and choose your Structure, click on preview and you will see what the building looks like and if you want it to face another way turn off the preview, change it's orientation then turn the preview back on, once you are happy with its placement turn off the preview and select enabled then bob's your uncle the NPC's start to build it for you, after a while you have a brand-spanking new building and can build large villages in a matter of minutes (or hours depending on how many buildings you want) regards V497_Vesper
  4. Will there ever be a companion option for the jobs in the version for Minecraft 1.7.10? And is there a way to make a rescue mission, one where you need to break another NPC out of a holding cell? I would also like to know if you can get an NPC to follow the player indefinitely or in the event of the death of another NPC they are linked to E.g. if you have a warrior and his/her companion and the warrior dies his/her companion will start to follow you
  5. So if i want help on adding my own music to mincraft i am expected to pay £2775.98 just for a small bit of coding? I guess i need to learn Java then oh well; thanks for the help but I think that £2775.98 is way too much to pay just for some lines of code
  6. Yeah i am looking to add new music disks to my minecraft without using the more disks mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 i suck at Java coding and would like someone to help me out adding my music to my minecraft as the orginal disks are boring now, however i do not want to overwrite the disks already in minecraft so how can i add my music in music disks without overwriting the original Minecraft music disks?
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