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  1. It would be beneficial for my mod if I could get access to the filename used for a block's texture (currently accessed through Block.func_111023_E() ), as I want to use it to load new textures for a vanilla block. I don't want to break the naming convention, and I'd rather not just use a string literal so that my mod can be used by other mods that want to use my rendering method. I understand this probably won't be beneficial for most people, but this one line change would make a huge difference for me. Thanks
  2. For some reason, that keeps turning up blank for me. I can't get it to work. Just one last quick question. Is this a matter of up keeping (as in updating forge for new minecraft versions) or is this just a matter of implementation? If it's the latter, I am willing to implement it myself and submit a pull request on GitHub. It wouldn't be the first time I put a lot of work into a small feature change.
  3. I might be mistaken, but I wouldn't think it would be that many classes. If I remember correctly, most blocks just use the standard 0 render id, which wouldn't require a code change. As for the ones that do, I thought most of those class files already had edits, and a simple removing of a method and adding a line to the constructor wouldn't be that much to ask. Of course, I know I can't argue this, but I don't really understand where the difficulty lies. I can take a look myself at the code and its changes to see what it might take to add it and upkeep it.
  4. There is already a setRenderType() implemented in the BlockRailBase class that allows modders to change how vanilla rails are rendered. Is there any chance of seeing this moved to the base Block class? It would make it easier for my mod, and I don't think it would take too much work.
  5. This is all handled by the Tile Entity. I know it's a pain to implement, but it means it gets saved with the world file.
  6. This is all handled by the Tile Entity. I know it's a pain to implement, but it means it gets saved with the world file.
  7. I think I may have answered my own question. I was surfing the code when I found the TextureStitchEvent. It seems that the pre texture stitch even happens at just the right time to register the textures. However, the textures aren't appearing correctly. All I'm seeing is diamond block, gold block, and emerald block textures. Any reason why that might be? Edit: never mind. I was having problems with how many times registerIcon() actually gets called.
  8. I think I may have answered my own question. I was surfing the code when I found the TextureStitchEvent. It seems that the pre texture stitch even happens at just the right time to register the textures. However, the textures aren't appearing correctly. All I'm seeing is diamond block, gold block, and emerald block textures. Any reason why that might be? Edit: never mind. I was having problems with how many times registerIcon() actually gets called.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by "reflect to get access", and I can't seem to replace the instance of the block easily.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by "reflect to get access", and I can't seem to replace the instance of the block easily.
  11. I want to update a forge mod I made to work with MC 1.5+, but I'm having trouble with the new texture system. My mod changes how a vanilla block is rendered on the client (in this case, it changes the standard rail blocks). I used to be able to just register a multi-texture file in the mod initializer method and set the block's render id and texture file to my own. All the tutorials I've seen for MC 1.5+ are added in the block class. I really don't want to override the vanilla class for this mod as it complicates the installation process. Is there a way to register a texture file outside of a block class?
  12. I want to update a forge mod I made to work with MC 1.5+, but I'm having trouble with the new texture system. My mod changes how a vanilla block is rendered on the client (in this case, it changes the standard rail blocks). I used to be able to just register a multi-texture file in the mod initializer method and set the block's render id and texture file to my own. All the tutorials I've seen for MC 1.5+ are added in the block class. I really don't want to override the vanilla class for this mod as it complicates the installation process. Is there a way to register a texture file outside of a block class?
  13. Sounds like you want to make a tile entity. Try the wiki page on it. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tile_Entities
  14. Sounds like you want to make a tile entity. Try the wiki page on it. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tile_Entities
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