Hello everyone
I've tried to create a basic tile entity which stores an array of values. This is not relevant because it works ,but when I place the block it created 2 tile Entities and when I get that tile entity there are two different one depending on when I get it.
public class BlockOreFarm extends BlockContainer
public BlockOreFarm(Material materialIn, String name)
public int getRenderType()
return 3;
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta)
ModMicroTech.log.info("TILE ENTITY CREATED");
return new TileOreFarm().set(ApiFarm.get());
[09:02:19] [Client thread/INFO]: TILE ENTITY CREATED
[09:02:19] [Client thread/INFO]: Constructed farm: ContainedWithin{Diamond, 496696/496696} ContainedWithin{Iron, 790747/790747} ContainedWithin{Emerald, 371361/371361}
[09:02:20] [server thread/INFO]: TILE ENTITY CREATED
[09:02:20] [server thread/INFO]: Constructed farm: ContainedWithin{Iron, 555640/555640}
As you see there are two create call for each block placed in my world. What causes this? and what should I do now?