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Everything posted by Sukotto

  1. It. worked. Thank you. I was thinking it was going to be something simple. That just leaves me with the question if I didn't have java how did minecraft run to begin with because I thought you were required to have java to run minecraft. If you didn't have java it would prompt you to install it. well guess that was my old pc. Thanks again. so simple not sure why no one said anything before. don't I feel dumb lol. Thank you.
  2. OK. thanks I'll give that a try.
  3. I'm trying to install a mod for personalized crafting. This will allow me to fix some things that are wrong in minecraft with the crafting recipes that have been around forever and no sign of them being fixed but I can't install Forge everything I try I get a RAR file and I can open it and everything but every video for a tutorial I seen about installing forge .... well lets just say when I follow what they do the end result is different. its a verry simple fix to minecraft It makes no since that white wool and bone meal make ... well white wool??? really yet you can't add red wool and bone meal to make white wool this makes no since to me and has been a problem forever. I just want to make custom crafting recipes that allow me to craft colored wool into white wool using bonemeal. thats the main reason I want to mod along with a few other things like being able to craft dirt, sand gravel and stuff like that from cobble stone much like the pulverizer in some mods that make cobble into gravel and gravel into sand and stuff. I'm sure I'll make a lot of other custom recipes once I have the mod installed plus I want to add tree capitator mod, pams harvesst craft mod, mist mod(I think thats the one you use paper, book map or something to teleport to a new random world with its own properties. and forestry mod. so to cap. I want to install a few mods. personalized crafting, Treecapitator, forestry, mist, and maybe a thaumcraft mod. mainly because I want to wand that allows you to easily replace blocks that are placed down and swap them with blocks in your inventory making it easier to build something out of a junk material and go through and replace it with the material you want it to be once you have the layout you want. Every time I download the installer for Forge I get a RAR file. that's not what anyone else is getting when they download it on the many tutorials I have watched but yet no one says you need anything specific to install forge. I'm sure its as simple as missing some program and since in all the tutorials I watched the icon they get after downloading the Forge installer is a Java Icon I'm guessing I'm missing a Java program but I don't know what Java program or what to look for once I'm on the java site to install java programs. an easy way to solve this is simple get someone to teach me how to add NEW recipes in vanilla minecraft and yes I even tried the command block that makes you place a dispencer face up and stuff but its anoying when using it all the time and the personalized crafting mod makes it easy to add new crafting recipes and I can just make it in a crafting table like anything else and don't need to deal with the constant replacing of blocks using detect block commands. This is a link to a video thats less than 60 seconds that shows what I get it might help understand whats going on and better provide someone with info they could use to better help me.
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