no, although I am getting this:
[10:11:24] [main/INFO]: FML has found a non-mod file MobRecipes-1.12-1.0.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
What's in your main class? I tried that and still can't get it to work.
I can't figure out how to add a basic recipe
Here is my code:
In this example I'm simply trying to craft sand into sand. What am I doing wrong?
This issue just arose overnight, when a player is connected, everything is fine. However, as soon as everyone logs off, I keep getting Can't keep up messages in the console. What would cause something like this?
I keep my base chunk loaded (chicken chunks), but like I said, when I'm connected, all is well.
Does this look right:
IAttributeInstance damage = new AttributeMap().registerAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE);
if (itemStack != null)
for (AttributeModifier modifier : mc.thePlayer.getHeldItemMainhand().getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND).get(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getAttributeUnlocalizedName()))
Well, I solved it, but I'm still unsure why the above wasn't working. It seems using System.out.println with a boolean value doesn't always work, but adding random text before the boolean does. I changed it to System.out.prinln("asdf"+allowBreak); and it fired.
Works fine in SP, but when I test on MP, the onbreak event is never triggered. What am I doing wrong?
I am having trouble retrieving the attack damage of the held item:
This always returns 1.0, no matter what is being held