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Zamion101 last won the day on January 23 2019

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  1. I'm working on GUI's and i stuck in drawing texture like furnace burn animation. I don't figure out how to draw animations properly. My GUI class My GUI Texture Droplets (gray) Start at x:80 y:30 Droplets (Colored) Start at x:176 y:0 and i want colored droplets render from up to bottom like squeezing something and droplets fall. Note: tileentity.getField(1) returns recipe time like '200' tick
  2. Use for registering models/texture in ModelRegistryEvent.
  3. You're rigth sorry my bad. Lists is more clear than adding all blocks staticly, don't you think like that?
  4. First ALL Items has Model so DON'T use IHasModel. Second use ModelLoader#setCustomModelMesher instead of Main#proxy#registerItemRender (Use in init stage) ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation([YOUR_ITEM],0,new ModelResourceLocation([YOUR_ITEM].getRegistryName(),"inventory")); And while registering items/blocks use List! don't use toArray() and you must enter your array size new Block[0] creates array with 0 size use new Block[ModBlocks.BLOCKS.size] ! @Draco18s anoher IHasModel user!
  5. I'm happy if I could help you. Have a nice coding.
  6. in your assets/<MOD_ID>/recipes json files registering automatically you shouldn't use GameRegistry and in your RecipeRegistry you forget to enter your modid to @EventBusSubscriber. It should looks like @EventBusSubscriber(modid = "[MOD_ID]") Also i prefer minecraft:crafting_shaped/shapeless rather than forge:ore_shaped.
  7. Add this methods to your Block class isFullCube returns false isNormalCube return false isTranslucent returns true isOpaqueCube returns false And setLightOpacity(0) in constructor.
  8. Ohh i forget setLightOpacity should be 0 and add isNormalCube to code and return false And That's why we hate Mcreator this programs creates nearly unreadable codes.
  9. Have a nice modding.
  10. isFullCube must return false isTranslucent must return true
  11. You can use for statement Example: for(Item item : ModItems.Items){ event.getRegistry().register(item); } And code looks correct now.
  12. Why you using this? You should use List instead of Array.
  13. You forget to add MOD_ID to @Mod.EventBusSubscriber It should be like this; @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = "<MOD_ID>")
  14. Did you registered in RegistryEvent#Register<Item> ? https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/registries/
  15. It's because MrCrayfish Model Creator. My advice use Blockbench Modeler. Have a nice moddings.
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