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  1. item.getRegistryName returns a string I believe. In addition, it returns it in the format modid:itemName. Or you could use a name that you set in the constructor and then add the modId in that code. It is trying to find a model at modid:modid:itemName, which doesn't exist.
  2. Thanks. Seems odd it wouldn't be included, seeming as the old version did include it.
  3. it seems that calling Item.getItemFromBlock returns null for any modded block. It is being called outside of the main class, so that might influence it. I register my blocks like this: b.setRegistryName(name); GameRegistry.register(b); Am i missing anything?
  4. Look at this block: if (blockPos.getY() >= this.worldObj.getSeaLevel() || this.worldObj.canSeeSky(blockPos)) { return false; } This will ONLY spawn your mob BELOW 63 (unless you have customized it). Your debug message will print no matter if it can spawn or not because it is unconditional. Try adding a debug message inside this block: else { boolean canSpawn = super.getCanSpawnHere(); if(canSpawn) { System.out.println("Spawned at " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ()); } return canSpawn; } Print canSpawn. Are you getting the message that says it spawned or the one about it trying to spawn? If none of this works, I'm not sure.
  5. I forgot: At least for BlockContainers, you must override getRenderType() (I believe that's the method). I am using 1.9 right now, so I don't know what you should return (I believe it's an int), but I had the same problem with one of my models. For some reason, BlockContainers are invisible by default. EDIT: Might want to change the int and see what happens. Didn't see you had it. EDIT 2: Change it to 3.
  6. It renders in your hand as it's supposed to? Maybe try unhooking (don't delete!) the TESR and see how it renders. If it renders in your hand normally, it would be something with the block render (TESR most likely)
  7. What does the block currently look like in game? Are there any errors in the log about the json files?
  8. What is your block name, and what are the names of the json files? From what I have found, the json file has to have the exact same name as the block.
  9. Here is some relevant code from EntityList: Class <? extends Entity > oclass = (Class)stringToClassMapping.get(entityName); if (oclass != null) { entity = (Entity)oclass.getConstructor(new Class[] {World.class}).newInstance(new Object[] {worldIn}); } It's looking for a constructor in your RenderObsidianGolem class that uses a world. It seems to be looking there instead of your entity class. It's looking there because you tell it to look there when you register the mob (code from ModEntities.init()): public static void init() { registerModEntityWithEgg(RenderGolemObsidian.class, "golemObsidian", 0x3F5505, 0x4E6414); } registerModEntityWithEgg(RenderGolemObsidian.class, "golemObsidian", 0x3F5505, 0x4E6414); RenderGolemObsidian.class So it is trying to initialize your render class as an entity.
  10. It doesn't seem like you are actually rendering anything in the TESR. You are binding a texture, but not rendering anything. I could be mistaken, but in 1.7.10 you would have to get the model and then bind the texture and render it. You might not need a TESR, though. What do you want the block to look like, and can you post the JSONs?
  11. Look at how the cauldron does it. Essentially, getBoundingBox() refers to what you can get in your outline. Think of stairs. You can point your crosshair above the stair and still get the black outline. The bounding box is FULL_BLOCK_AABB (use that) To have custom hitboxes (what you collide with), addCollisionBoxToList should be useful. Just override it and put in your custom hitboxes. They use local coordinates, so 0,0,0 is a corner and 1,1,1 is the opposite.
  12. So you are saying that when you right click at all with an item, it will act as if you held it down for one second? You could try setting a a counter that starts at 0 and increments by one every time Item#onUpdate is called. If the counter is less than 20, then call whatever method you are using to handle the right click action.
  13. I updated my forge version, and yet, it seems the problem has not gone away. All of the system outputs seems to have put out the same info.
  14. Is this a problem with forge? I wonder...
  15. Can anyone help? Any help is appreciated!
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