Forge Modder-
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Everything posted by Werns
If anyone has any more help in this aspect, I'd appreciate it.
Yeah I somehow didn't find that link. JAVA_OPTIONS was in there, I deleted. My log is still picking up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx1g -Xms1g, despite the environment variable being deleted. Nothing changed, it seems. I've also tried changing the environment variable to -Xmx2g -Xms2g, and that still does nothing. Still says it picks it up with 1 instead of 2.
That could be, I'll take a look. EDIT: Erm, where am I looking for this? I thought it might be in control panel -> Java, but I didn't see anything. Google didn't help either. I'm aware, I'm running Win7. Users/Werns/.gradle/ has a gradle.properties file in it, but I've also placed it within the mod's directory because some of the other links you've included suggested doing so.
Ah, that explains it much better. When I follow those instructions and then run setupDecompWorkspace it still says _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx1g -Xms1g, and the log still shows a failure to decompileMc due to GC overhead limit exceeded. It looks like it didn't accept the gradle.properties file. I tried putting gradle.properties in the .gradle/ folder that's created during the setupDecompWorkspace, in the main mod file with build.gradle (like the second link you posted said), and I changed the properties file to look like what the second link suggested, none of that changed anything.
Ah... I'm not familiar with gradle at all and most of this is going over my head. I tried to follow the steps in the second link, but I don't see any gradle.build files (only build.gradle, which I'm guessing is the same) and I don't see any of those "options" in build.gradle.
Alright, how do I do that?
So while looking for log files I found this nasty dump under build/taskLogs: http://pastebin.com/S6tnwqGy It's called decompileMc.log and at line 177 it starts to throw errors, for example: ERROR: Class net/minecraft/item/crafting/CraftingManager couldn't be fully decompiled. That sounds somewhat relevant and the decomplie.log file (note the lack of "Mc" at the end of he file name) is radically different than the one in my 1.8- build (which just shows various iterations of Processing class (blah) ... proceeded. Writing class (blah) .. written.
For my 1722 build, the gradle.log file is empty (hence why I didn't see any logs). I took a look at 1764, however, and it shows this: This mapping 'stable_20' was designed for MC 1.8.8! Use at your own peril.This mapping 'stable_20' was designed for MC 1.8.8! Use at your own peril. ################################################# ForgeGradle 2.1-SNAPSHOT-9e8f067 https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle ################################################# Powered by MCP unknown http://modcoderpack.com by: Searge, ProfMobius, Fesh0r, R4wk, ZeuX, IngisKahn, bspkrs ################################################# :deobfCompileDummyTask :deobfProvidedDummyTask :eclipseClasspath :eclipseJdt :eclipseProject :getVersionJson :extractNatives SKIPPED :extractUserdev UP-TO-DATE :getAssetIndex UP-TO-DATE :getAssets Current status: 542/734 73% :makeStart :makeEclipseCleanRunClient :makeEclipseCleanRunServer :eclipse BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 14.08 secs
I didn't know it recorded any logs. I don't see any anywhere.
LexManos: I've already documented everything I did in the first post. I've tried running "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse" as well as running each command separately, it's not made any difference. larsgerrits: I've just tried that with 1722 and 1764, no change.
Shortly after posting this I had the same idea. Tried with, no difference. I've also tried both ways, a single command and multiple ones. Doesn't make a difference.
So I'm trying to start up modding in 1.8.9. I've downloaded forge-1.8.9- and dumped it into an empty folder called 1.8.9. Then I made a bat filed with "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse" and ran that. When I get into Eclipse and change the workspace to \path\1.8.9\eclipse, it gives me two errors: Project 'MDKExample' is missing required libray: 'C:\path\1.8.9\unresolved dependency - net.minecraftforge forgeBin 1.8.9-' The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved I watched a tutorial on this and the person had a file in Referenced Libraries from \username\.gradle\caches\minecraft\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.8.9-\stable\20 that I don't have. However, I have the file in that location. So I tried adding it to the referenced libraries, but it only has the vanilla minecraft files, and not the minecraftforge files (see https://i.imgur.com/glPCYen.png ). I've been talking with the person that made the tutorials and we're not sure why this is happening. I've tried doing the same process in different folders, different drives, and even after deleting the \forge\1.8.9-\stable\20 folder. The folder and files get replaced, but still broken. Is the gradle process grabbing the wrong files?