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Posts posted by Cloaking_Ocean

  1. Hello! I'm interested in know if it's possible to remove the keepAlive timeout for Minecraft client and server using Forge. I basically want to have my connection continue after any amount of delay. Whether the server is not responding or whether the client is not responding. For right now I just want to focus on seeing if I could get the server keep alive timeout disabled or removed somehow. 

    I've seen a post on this forum discussing the same topic as I am without a response but I'm hoping I could bring back the topic and see what is possible.

    Forum Post: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/55039-1112-prevent-player-timeout/


    It sounds like he was onto something. I see ways on forge's official documentation to create new packets and send them between channels but I'm wondering if it'd be possible to disable part of the server's networking.


    I'm not too familiar with forge but if someone has an answer of this is not possible or this is possible but in an not ideal way I'd be happy to hear either one!


    Regardless, thank you in advance for the help!



  2. I have plans to create a very well equipped boss who upgrades as you fulfill his quests. Once he upgrades completely, he turns into his final form and attacks you. I am wanting to use the armor and weapons from Draconic Evolution and just create the mob with my own mod. 


    Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts on how this is accomplished? 

  3. I dont think there is a tutorial for EVERY type of minecraft block, for most of it you will need to look into the miencraft sources and understand how minecraft is doing it.

    e.g. doors are placing the upper half of themselves in onBlockPlaced


    Alright, thanks for answering my problem about the doors.

  4. what do you mean by minecraft block, are you asking for "Every Block" (Grass, Cobble, Piston, redstone, etc.)


    Are you trying to add similar blocks?

    trying to Reskin minecraft blocks?


    Sorry for not being clear in my first post. The goal of this mod is to allow one of our devs to go into a text file/.yml file and add in information for custom blocks He'll need to be able to change the hardness, resistance, and custom texture of each CUSTOM block through the text file. Of course I'll implement ways for the values in the file to correspond in the mod. However, I don't know how to instantiate every minecraft object. I started out with BasicBlock extends Block. And from there I filled in the constructor. But I also need blocks that the normal Block class does not cover. Also I need to know how to correctly setup the .json files to texture properly. As I said before I tried to texture a door but I only got the bottom half of it. Thank you for your quick response.

  5. Hello people of Minecraft Forge forums. I'm currently working on a project that requires me to know how to instantiate many of Minecraft's blocks, register them into the GameRegistry, and also add appropriate textures. I'm fairly new to modding but I believe I can achieve this goal. Currently, I'm a little confused how the .json files work. However, I'll learn them more in-depth eventually. What I'm asking is this: "Is there a list of minecraft objects that states how to correctly implement them into a mod". For example. I was trying to add a DoorBlock into the game. Once I had added everything and loaded the game I placed down the block and only the bottom part of the door appeared. Also it didn't have the assigned texture on it.


    TL;DR I need to know how to implement most of minecraft's blocks into my mod correctly. (Possibly a list explaning how to implement each block)


    Thanks for any help.

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