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Everything posted by Omnifarious

  1. Nevermind, I just went ahead and manually installed forge so I could finally play Dragon Block C.
  2. That one didn't work either. Resulted in the same error as the OP. Is there any guide for manually installing Forge using the universal file?
  3. Doing exactly what the video showed, resulted in the error: 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  4. Okay, so tell me, if you were to do this, how would you go about doing it? I've searched all over the Internet, and have found plenty of other people with the exact same problem as myself, with most problems leading to this forum, and the mods are only responding with "Try restarting installer with JVM Argument: -Xmx1G" in each thread, and not actually telling anyone how, or answering their questions, or reading their posts.
  5. Yeah, I know about that. That was the first thing I did, before doing everything other option. Coming to the forum was my last resort after tinkering with it for the last 4 hours. I even disabled all of my firewalls and anti-viruses. adding that JVM argument did nothing the first time, or the 20th.
  6. I simply double left click the installer. I tried having the file on my desktop, and then tried it inside of my .minecraft folder. The installer is called: "forge-1.7.10-" I left click it twice, select "install client" and then select "C:\Users\main\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft" as the location to install to. It then begins to install, but immediately stops, hangs up on the scala compiler file, then after about 10 second, it gives me above error in the OP.
  7. That was the first thing I did, but doing that did nothing. I still get the same error.
  8. So when I go to install Forge, I get this error: Error downloading These libraries failed to download. Try again. (I have, 20 times now, lol) org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.11.1 Out of Memory: Try restarting installer with JVM Argument: -Xmx1G Anyone ever get this error? It's incredibly frustrating... I just want to play Dragon Block C... Is there any way I can manually install Forge?
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