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  1. Hi. Currently am working on my mod in 1.15.2, and I noticed that in an anvil I can't combine 2 same type tools together to get the enchants. Example: If I have 1 ruby pickaxe with Unbreaking 3, and another with Fortune 3, I can't combine the 2 picks together to make 1 pick with both enchants, however with Vanilla tools you can do this. Am I missing any code or anything? My Custom tool class just extends PickaxeItem, and I don't really have anything else special in there, just whats required to make it work as a pickaxe. I thought that this would be enough, but clearly I am missing some needed code to make combining enchants on a custom tool available. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. I've tried looking at vanilla code, but I don't see anything there, that I don't already have, or don't need. Again, I can enchant the tools, I just can't combine them in an anvil, or with a book either for that matter. Thanks
  2. Discard post. I've fixed the issue by updating to Forge 28.0.46 and simply recoding the configs. Must have added something somewhere by mistake that it didn't like I guess.
  3. fixed
  4. All of it was fresh from the Forge site, build.gradle and all the rest of the files that come with the forge MDK. I changed nothing. Forge 28.0.16 works fine, but 14 setup as 12, so I thought that it had something to do with Forge its self, that was all. Code had nothing to do with it. Thanks anyways but 28.0.16 setup fine.
  5. Setting up Forge 28.0.14 in a dev environment sets up Forge 28.0.12, not 28.0.14. Not sure why. All of the files are straight from Forge's website where I always get them, I downloaded the MDK for Forge 28.0.14, extracted them to a folder for 1.14.4, imported the build.gradle. Ran genIntelijayRuns, setup the client and launched the game. It loads up 28.0.12 Forge. Am I missing something here or is this a mistake with something in Forge ?
  6. Weird. I guess I had both update 202 and 31 installed. Uninstalled 31 and fixed my issue. Thanks
  7. I think I have the latest version of Java 8. Java 8 update 202 64 bit. Is that not the latest ? As for the workaround, i've tried that. Doesn't seem to work for me.
  8. Gives me an error downloading libraries. I've attached the install log below, and a screen shot as well. Here is the log for the installer- https://pastebin.com/ngPDecRr
  9. In 1.12.2 i had it working to where my custom food, example is Corn, When planted would drop both Corn, and sometimes drop a seed so you can re-plant the crop and keep it going. In 1.13.2, I looked at the code for Wheat Seeds and pretty much followed the same setup they have, but my corn continues to only drop food, never any seeds. Here is my Corn Crop code, as well as the Corn Seed Code. Corn Crop Class- https://pastebin.com/yMjhsXaR Corn Seed Class- https://pastebin.com/JEUSUmLE Where I am creating the Corn Crop- https://pastebin.com/TmcUHEXJ Where I am Creating the Corn Seed- https://pastebin.com/FA3zzeBg Not sure what im doing wrong, or if I missed anything, any help would be appreciated. Also I noticed that when I break a crop before its fully grown, nothing at all drops, which was not the case in 1.12.2. Anyone know why this is from looking at my code ?
  10. Solved, nevermind this post.
  11. Anyone who can help? Here is all of my code if this helps anymore. https://github.com/RedBullSlurpie/SlurpiesDongles/tree/1.12
  12. From 1.10.2 to 1.11.2 I had a config file for my mod, which worked fine, however in 1.12 it crashes for me. My friend has the same setup and his seems to work fine with no crashing, am wondering if anyone can figure out why when I have my armor in my config file, so people can change whatever if they wish too, it crashes.. If I create it, not in a config file, it works fine and doesn't crash. I'll post my code to everything pertaining my armor, and config file, as well as the crash report. Configuration file: https://pastebin.com/QbAGu0Z6 Config PreInit: https://pastebin.com/9BQx0r4B SDItems: https://pastebin.com/Q0875BUW Main:https://pastebin.com/ys32ktet Crash log: https://pastebin.com/qkKNjwRY
  13. Trying to register my armor in 1.12, updating my mod from 1.11.2 and had to change how I do things, but for some reason once I get my armor registered and I attempt to launch the game, it says [15:52:57] [main/ERROR]: Exception caught during firing event net.minecraftforge.event.RegistryEvent$Register@660b292c: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.rbs.slurpiesdongles.init.SlurpiesDonglesItems at com.rbs.slurpiesdongles.init.RegistrationHandler.registerItems(RegistrationHandler.java:18) ~[RegistrationHandler.class:?] Here is my items class code Here is my Registration Handler class and yeah i've got the RegistrationHandler class called in my main under PreInit with this. FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new RegistrationHandler());
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