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Everything posted by thenewpotato

  1. Hi. I am having trouble to get my mod to work. I have created a replica of the default villager and I want it to move to a certain coordinate. Everything worked out fine only I found that they sometimes can't jump over normal blocks, which would be quite annoying. They would just keep on trying to jump over but sometimes they don't. I am using this code which is within a function to move them: [embed=425,349]this.getNavigator.tryMoveToXYZ(x, y, z, 0.5D);[/embed] Please help me and thank you in advance!
  2. Hi everyone. Is there a way to make villager place blocks of custom choice at custom locations? I know they plant seeds so this must be possible. Thank you in advance!
  3. Hello everyone! I want to change the texture of the middle column of the stair I created, something like this: But when I go through the block models, the only options are "top", "bottom", and "sides" Is achieving this possible?
  4. Hi everyone! Here is a simple teleporter mod I've created. The mod only adds one item to the game in total. shift-rightclick(sneak-rightclick) to set the register your current information and the name you assign it to the item. Normal right clicks to teleport to the location you assigned. Very easy to locate the teleporter you want to use by the name if you have a bunch of them in your inventory. This is also very convenient for emergency uses like escaping someone: just right click and you are gone! There's problems like dimensions and such that exists, if you used it and liked it, please comment or message me to let me know there are people who uses this and I will fix them! Also if you have suggestions, please tell me also. Thank you in advance! Donwload link *REQUIRES FORGE 1.9: https://mega.nz/#!hZYSxQ5J!5-X4uGIOkJ3zqQToqnHJCxooDwUyjKHsDQpnTFCCwY8 Screenshots: [/img] [/img]
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