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Everything posted by _Lightning_

  1. Surely not, it's not up to me, I'm only reporting a thought that is very common in the minecraft community, expecially in modding
  2. What I'm also tryng to say is that is VERY dispersive tryng to catch with the Mojang update. All the good contents, many of good mods remain behind. It is more wise that the Forge team and the entire community choose universally a version of the game to focus on, and stay there for 4-5 years more or less, and so on, because despite the interesting news that Mojang can bring in, it's very dispersive and destructive for the community, tryng to catch a Train that never stops.
  3. to be honest, the modpack is based on Terrafirmacraft.. I don't think I can find terrafirmacraft on version 1.9 or 1.10.. and this apply on various mods still, interesting mods also... Honestly, I can't blame modders that want not update their mods, Mojang can't force other people to stay behind the continuous updates choice... I know that Lex Manos doesn't approve, but he should understand that not every modder have the same time he has to update and re-write their content only because there is a more recent version of the game every 3-4 months..
  4. Hello, I noticed that even if the client and the server should have the same mods, when I try to login from the client the server crash this way: http://pastebin.com/4jT3Lebm anyone has any idea how I could identify the mod related with this problem? Excepting testing them one by one...
  5. resolved thanks to the infinite kindness of the IE owner :0 and yours as well!!!
  6. Hi Guys, The entire server crash when this error occur and it crash again if someone reach the same coordinates with no possibility to log-in again. Forge in use: 1614 (1.7.10) When the crash occurred the player was flyng around with a Flans mod plane from British Military content pack but the error seems to blame immersive in the crash report. Also, in the thermos-54 server logs it says to "report this error to Forge", but forge doesn't seems to support 1.7.10 anymore, should I notify it anyway on Github?? The Log: http://pastebin.com/aLPzZA8u The Crash: http://pastebin.com/UYc1Q16m http://i.imgur.com/rbn628z.png
  7. an ItemStack that does not contain an Item? Do you mean something like a blank stack? anyway seems that when this crash happens people usually in that moment are doing really nothing (not crafting items nor breaking blocks) i would now focus on the GUI/client part. I have found that consideration interesting maybe could be something with a mod called quickhotbar. i'll make some test and i let you know the results. (seems also that almost every time we remove a mod, no matter which one, the problem seems temporally resolved.. we will need a bit of time to figure out if the random crashes stops) Thanks for your suggestion !!
  8. Using forge I don't really ask for support, just suggestions .... http://pastebin.com/14MhTTz8 hello guys, I've looked around on Google first but I am at a standstill actually, the problem is kinda this; When I play on a custom modpack server it happens that sometime my client crash apparently with no reason, then, when I try to join again in the overworld I just crash again and can't join that world anymore (except if I manually delete my position). Now, you'll say "it's a rendering issue, ther's something in the chunk that make you crash", but, the problem is that other people may tp at my location while I try to log in and they are just fine, the issue seems not related with the chunk itself. Again, the problem is that this could once happen to me, but another time can happen to others as well, then I can exclude an hardware problem. I would exclude the entity render then and may focus on the "Item Render" part, but the problem is: .ItemRenderer.func_78446_a .... (Unknown Source) .. yeah, unknow source.. We also tryed to identify a single mod causing this, but is not a single mod, seems more like an interaction of mods or a forge problem itself? If we exclude a mod from the modpack, after the "/fml confirm" for the server world, people that had this issue become able to log in again, but this happen always, no matter what mod we cut off. So we can't figure out what the problem is related with.. (even tryed to put out optifine just let you know). Any idea how to identify the source of the problem? http://pastebin.com/FL7JEXWb P.s. Why 1.7.10 seems no longer be supported from forge? it is the version with the larger ammount of mods still ...
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