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Everything posted by HeroExterio

  1. i try and enter safe mode and nothing happens, not sure how to get a log from that
  2. ok here it is, i hope its not one of my big mods lol https://gist.github.com/HeroExterio/a5570b1913a18e7f0f0aec71697adc9f
  3. yea i cant figure out how to attach a file here
  4. so iv been working and playing on a modpack for some time and all of a sudden my game crashed, not sure why but then suddenly all my mods stopped working and i have ALOT to deal with and removing one at a time is annoying seeing as new worlds work but then soon crash after a random time, not sure how to attack a file so any idea on how to read the debug.log would be helpful, or ill try and figure it out lol we will see
  5. Hello world, so i'm here to ask for help with my mod im working on, i have basic items and blocks down and well basics lol, what i'm looking for is someone to help me with the more advanced stuff or to reach me how to do the fun stuff im looking to do in my mod, don't worry tho credit will still be given, i want to stay in 1.7.10 mostly because of other mods that are not updated but once i saw the new toys in 1.10 i decided that's where i will update to once its ready so yea message me here with a skype name if you'd like or post down below any and all help would be well helpful after all there is only so much i can learn from reading or watching a video
  6. well i plan to start working on 1.9 soon, i plan to keep my mod base to 1.7.10 till the other mods i use get to 1.9, but yea ill take a look at my ModID
  7. not sure if this is where i need to post this but whatever, so i compiled my mod after weeks of work and making sure everything looks good, but after compiling i saw 1 ore and 2 items have lost there textures, all the pngs are worded the same but dont know why thats happening any help?
  8. So as the title says I'm looking for help with my first mod (yeay) there is alot I'm still learning with tutorials and stuff but sadly only so much can be shown/walked through, So what Im wanting to do is make guis for stuff (that's not to hard tho) Next is locking stuff, this isdea came from playing thaumcraft and other locking mods, ID like my own foerm of puzzle resurch to unlock machines, tools, and other stuff (not so easy I think) Next is mob AIs, well I want to have a chest or block spawn monsters but they will do stuff much like a old mod I used (back in the early years of Minecraft) more for example ID want the "mob" to look in the chest for the tool and then take it and start doing there job within the marked area (I have no idea how hard it would be) World HUD stuff, I like the environment mod where the biome temp and stuff will effect your player but... I don't like how everything gets gravity and the world starts killing it self in a way (should not be to hard I think) Custom enchants, partical, potions, so this one may be a bit of work but I'd like to add my own enchantments/potion effects for example a fear effect that will stop the player cold in there tracks can't open invi basically kills the keyboard till the effect is over, as for the particals well that's more astetic stuff I wana add Starting invi, much like tinjers construct I want to give the player a book at the start introducing the player into the mod saying what's all in it and stuff and to give credit to everyone on the mod team For this interested in joining/making a mod team with me, well I offer this because looking at my note book this mod is bigger then expected and I could use the help, credit will be given in more then one way, not only would you be mentioned in the intro book but I'd like to give all mod team members there own theamed biome and boss mob that rules that biome So if interested send me a message with what skills you can offer to the team and I'll reply back asap with a yes or no Thank you to all who apply/reply to this post PS. this is the exact post from minecraft forms im just being lazy with the typing, and will also be looking at the tuts over here to but still would love the help
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