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    I like trains!

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Ouch! That's sense. Thank you! I should create a list of all things to check up if anything isn't working.
  2. OK. There is my github: https://github.com/Affenkind/ALLinONEmod And don't worry about my user name at github
  3. I added 45 Blocks and 20 Items and up to now I didn't created a proxy... There are 54.197 characters.
  4. Should I show my complete code? (735 lines) I only show the code of the tool material. If you want I can upload it to github.
  5. I don't know why but it doesn't work Code:
  6. Sorry that this is my second question today but what else should I do? I knew that i need the customCraftingMaterial but I don't know how to use it. Where can I set the repair item? ...propably an example code?
  7. Hello there, I created my own armor but I want to set a repair item. I tried the same as I did on my tool material but it doesn't work. What do I have to do?
  8. Thank you! My problem is solved. 1.8 is better for me because there is a better fighting system. You may think the 1.9 system is better but that's not important. I can choose what version i am modding! ;-)
  9. Why should I use 1.10? I think 1.8 is better! Armor: PreInit: Init: The armor material is right here: PreInit:
  10. Hello there, i've got a problem with my mod. I created some armor and it's working, but the armor isn't visible on the player. So wehen i wear the armor, it won't be visible and the item in my hand isn't visible too. :'( Please try to help me! There's my code and the Error:
  11. Hey, I'm here again and I want to figure that out! The turtle still dies on world reload... I don't know why, let me know if you have a solution!
  12. Ok, my mod is on 1.8.9 and i just use "EntityRegistry..." and nothing else for registering the entities but the turtle still dies by loading the world What do I have to do now?
  13. ...or give me an example how to register entities in 1.8.9
  14. Sorry, I don't understand ._. ...german...
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