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  1. Can I please have an example of how to do what I asked in the first post? Then I can manage it from there and won't need any more help.
  2. Still don't know
  3. I know but what I mean is I'm not sure how to use the forge methods with it, like the ItemArmor.ArmorMaterial
  4. It's used to manipulate classes and everything in that class, right?
  5. Yes and I don't know how to do that in forge, like what would an example be?
  6. Then what do I do, I'm not an expert.
  7. So like this as an example? ItemArmor.ArmorMaterial.IRON.getDamageReductionAmount(0);
  8. Can I have an example please? And would I make a new class for this or put it in my normal item classes?
  9. How would I change the vanilla armor values?
  10. Okay then instead of making it glow how would I do it so on held it changes to another item and when that other item is stopped being held it changes to the original item?
  11. How would I make it so that the item only glows when it's held and doesn't glow when it's not held? @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack) { return true; }
  12. True it's limited but like Draco said it's exactly what I wanted However if I was to want to use different colors, would it be like this?: @Override public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack stack) { if (this == ModItems.Sword) { return EnumChatFormatting.AQUA; } else { return EnumChatFormatting.WHITE; } }
  13. Never mind, I looked into the Golden Apple code and found they color their items in terms of rarity which is exactly what I wanted to do so I just used the same code with my items. @Override public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack stack) { if (this == ModItems.Sword) { return EnumRarity.EPIC; } else { return EnumRarity.COMMON; } }
  14. That's not what I meant either way, if I return it, it won't change the color?
  15. What would an example of returning it be like? I'm not anything of an expert yet.
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