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Everything posted by Ruarc88

  1. Grants override access to the function applyEntityCollision... at least that's what every override example I've seen leads me to believe. As I said, this is my first mod. If it doesn't work, I'll try something else.
  2. I've never seen a crash report end half-way through listing the system specs but ok then. Thank you kindly I thought it was obvious I was referring to the bare necessities of a MC mod when I said "Other than what they do" Grants override access to the function applyEntityCollision (where the player actually gets pushed around by other entities)... at least that's what every override example I've seen leads me to believe. As I said, this is my first mod. If it doesn't work, I'll try something else but I need to be able to load the mod to test it. Out of all the functionality MC has seen through mods, you're telling me there's no way to do this right now. Nevermind the fact that the functionality was part of the game for more than 5 major releases before 1.9.
  3. Compiled my first mod for testing and Forge is crashing on startup. Crash report is incomplete (the report itself just says "... and 34 more" instead of actually including those lines). From my log file, crash seems to be happening after construction, but before pre-initialization. Erroring lines: Google only brings up Forge itself missing signatures for older versions and forum signature creators.... The tutorials I worked through failed to tell me anything about these. As far as I can tell, there's nothing critically different from my mod and the example mod that loads and runs no problem (other than what they do). My code (just in case) The end goal being to disable the ability for entities to move the player.
  4. This is what I need, thanks! Am I correct in assuming that for 1.9.4 I will need the snapshot dated the same as my current version of Forge (for best results)?
  5. Working on a simple mod for 1.9.4 to disable the ability for the player to be moved by other entities. Found that any call I make to vanilla code will only recognize a function/field ID instead of the function/field name. I've seen other posts on both sides of this, some using names while others use IDs. Is there a way to fix this and/or an easy way to find the ID without manually trying the hundred or so boolean fields and praying? Unfortunately the second you put ID in Google, all you get is block ID conflicts. Using eclipse and forge 1968 (was on 1959).
  6. I'll definitely backup. My worry is more after putting another dozen hours plus into the world. But it looks like I'll be all good
  7. Yep. World's been vanilla for a couple years. If I DO have to go forge no mods, are there any known occurrences where some mechanics might work slightly different than they would in vanilla? Pretty sure the answer is no but the voice in my head says to double check.
  8. I have a 100% vanilla world currently in 1.8 that I'm most likely going to switch to forge for 1.9/1.10 in order to disable the weapon cooldown with a mod. My question is what kind of sideeffects are possible should I decide to switch from forge back to vanilla again? Obviously any new blocks/items related to the mod would be removed automatically. Is there anything beyond this that could result in world corruption/loss?
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