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  1. OHMAGERSH IT WORKED!!!!! But in all seriousness, thank you a ton.
  2. Thank I will go try that now.
  3. How do you increase the overall size of a mob model? Like how zombies and giants share the same texture and model but one is a lot bigger than the other? I've looked into slime and giant code and not found anything super useful. Is there a built in method or an easy way to transfer the giants code into another model code?
  4. Yeah too bad for me. This topic should honestly be abandoned. Sorry for wasting your time.
  5. Darn it. This is the forum that doesn't support previous versions isn't it? Sorry
  6. Is there a way override the findPlayerToAttack() within the EntityMob class within a mob that is an extension of EntityMob? I'm trying to make a neutral EntityMob extension. One that attacks players only if they attack it.
  7. I know I'm late to the party, but this was the most elaborate work done on the subject I could find, so if there is anyone left listening, can someone help me make an item that does this? The code is not working and I barely understand what it's doing.
  8. @terraya Mobs can't click. If you have a weapon that does something when you hit something else, it won't work when a mob uses it since the mob isn't specifically programmed to do what the sword does. Basically, the swords code only runs if a PLAYER uses it. If you wanted a mob to have the same effect you would have to hard code it into the mob.
  9. You could also try a method more like this. It works with items, but I don't know about armor.
  10. But how would one bypass that? Would it be possible to noClip the projectile or write a method that keeps the projectile alive? Or perhaps a method of destroying every block from where the player is to the end of the loaded chunks?
  11. Hmm while that is true there must be something else going on here because it shows no improvement.
  12. Thanks for the reply. I think you are right about the Impact method setting it dead, so I made my own method that should activate constantly and I kept the Impact method for damage dealing, but now only the damage dealing works. (And as predicted it sets dead after it hits an entity) This means my method is not running for some reason. Edited Code:
  13. I suggest you create your own damage source with that custom death message and program it into the mob. I haven't done this my self, but it's the most help I can provide you with.
  14. I'm designing an endgame gun that fires a projectile that destroys anything from point A to point B using the destroyBlock code and looping it. When I fire it, it destroys one block and sets itself to dead even though there isn't a setDead in the entityprojectile code at all. Code I run: Any tips are appreciated.
  15. Well crap. Sorry.
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