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Posts posted by Kroppen

  1. +coolAlias


    I was trying to get a total item count for a custom item, one that I've added. The purpose of this was to get a count of MoneyItems, so that I could calculate inflation in-game, affecting the value of the currency in a world market GUI. I was going to track 1-5 items.




  2. Hello everyone,


    I'm pretty new to modding and I had a question regarding a way to count items and return a value (count amt.). If that was vague, what I meant was, a way to return a number value based on the total amount of items in a world. ex. Player 1 has 10 XITEM, and Player 2 has 4 XITEM, the value would return as 14. Keep in mind, this has to be a live count. *Not sure if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find anything.


    Thanks for any help,



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