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  1. I somehow made it so The default minecraft launcher wouldn't load my profiles. So I reset my entire .minecraft (deleted it). I now have everything I want, except Optifine. How do I get optifine to go in as a mod and not its popup install? Or is this not the place to ask or do I need to make a new forum? I was using default launcher.
  2. I deleted Optifine totally. So, I don't know how that is there. I got rid of it in Mods and Versions folders.
  3. Hello, I have no idea how to read code and so I was hoping I could get some help. I try to launch Forge 1.10 with Liteloader 1.10 connected and it does not work and I get this error message. http://pastebin.com/1c3QDkDD I try just plain Forge 1.10 with nothing and I get this error message. http://pastebin.com/YNx29tVL I have searched around the forums like the Sticky post said and I kept going back in versions. Nothing for 1.10 and nothing that completely looked like my case. Anything that anyone can do would be awesome. Thank you! (If I broke a rule, I didn't mean to, I read everything and I think I did okay. If not, please tell me.)
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