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Posts posted by hhrunting

  1. hello I have created a minecraft server in 1.12.2 and currently trying to add npcs to the natural spawn however I get continuous spam
    [Server thread/WARN]: Skipping Entity with id customnpcs:customnpc
    unless I name the npc customnpc. then it spawns them just fine. is there any work around or fix for this? I have already tried editing the cloned npcs ID in the .json that just makes the npc unspawnable period.i have also tried adding other mods which control mob spawning nothing has worked so far.

  2. Runt's Ground: a survival MMO RPG server!

    hello everyone Hhrunting here! I have ran a few servers in the past, and even moderated for Dr.Zharks Mo'Creatures official server for a while!
    I am currently working on my latest project Runt's Ground 2.0 a remake of an old LARGE scale server I set to WIP and worked on for about a year all by myself. I learned a lot from working with great devs, a great administrative team, and also from working alone on a very large scale project! it is always better shared with others! growing as a community, and a team together to build an amazing server that everyone can enjoy! now due to many things my original project has been scrapped I tried a rebuild and it is just not possible, especially with no more MCPc+/cauldron/Kcauldron/thermos support for a forge+bukkit server! however! we now have SPONGE! it is still young and growing but I have already built a strong start with what is available and will keep up to date as often as possible!

    well I want you! members of the minecraft community to join in development of Runt's Ground!

    I need moderators, builders, quest makers, lore makers, testers, players, developers/coders and more! the server is still in very early development ,but is stable and running!

    easy just contact me on here, with whatever you have in mind! even just early access play time! ;) Formatting below helps us all!
    Name preference:
    Contact info:
    Applying for: (mod,build,early-access,ect)

    If Applying any role other then Early-Access what can you offer the Runt's Ground team:
    Additional info:

    the server is 1.12.2 running spongeforge 1.12.2 latest experimental build on forge 2503 for 1.12.2


  3. try our our website for more information and a step by step installation guide! :Dno13pain.wix.com/runtsground


    Owner contact: locmockmord , on skype

    incase u need any help or further information :D feel free to message me


    ip address:


    :D Runt's Ground 1.6.4!!! a friendly server looking for players there are ranks,minigames,skills, rewards, parties, factions, pvm, pvp, and alot more!! this server has a feel of a hardcore game mode without being quite so hard! work together with friends to beat the monsters of the day and night to survive, special classes with unique weapons and abilities for each! new monsters too! with a ton of plugins and only 7 awesome mods, this server gives an amazing rpg feel, also sharing a few aspects of the 2012 game of the year Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and a few features to give the aspect of a great rpg Monster Hunter you can create parties of 4 and go together and fight the creatures of minecraftia including new bosses and dont worry about those greedy looter's :P when in a party there is a loot share system ^_^ ! there are quests, and a town, along with the Monster Academy, Admin player market and more like scaleing buildings!?!?!?! ;D ! we also have a few Admin made factions The Fighter Guild, The Mages Guild, The Thieves Guild, and The Dark Brotherood! may be more to come! like the Blackwood company, East Empire Company, Knights Of The Thorn, Dawnguard, The Shields[good werewolf guild], DarkFang Clan [bad werewolf guild] Clan Valkihar [bad vampires] Folkrim Gurads [guards for the town and academy you will have the ability to sent bounty on pickpocket and thieves whome escape ur wrath, for those who dont you can kill, or bind them with a rope and jail them, depending on thier crime of course :] ] oh and did i forget to mention use of the cannons? oh what cannons! yes thats right cannons ;] and hopefully a few more factions :D i will be trying to configure a few rank/nametags for people whome are in them but for now its all written down.



    FORGE MODLOADER AND & MODS got to no13pain.wix.com/runtsground for all links and more information as well as a step by step install guide!




    i also recomend a couple mods to help like, craftguide, rei's minimap,animated players,Chat bubbles, and damage indicators! please do not use player ability altering mods like dbz,ect or any x-raying you will be banned! and you have been warned!


    once you have installed those all correctly add this server click on it and HAVE FUN! :D there is alot of info and way more than what ive said here come join us!! and if you need anything we made warps for information on all plugins!;]

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