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    The Batcave, Some Mountain, Spain
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    Holy Devil Sana!

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  1. Here are the screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/1p9Rv And here's the log I don't see how this didn't come to my mind earlier, but the thing is you didn't apply the directional properties to your block because you used your BasicBlocks class instead of a custom one that applies those properties. You need to implement Block#getMetaFromState(...), Block#getStateFromMeta(...), and Block#createBlockState(). Oh! That was my problem! Thanks a million for the help!
  2. Here are the screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/1p9Rv And here's the log
  3. Yes. Could you post your Block class? Sure! Here!
  4. I'm pretty sure, because I put the treeTap files where I usually have the rest of my blocks Is the name of your blockModel the same as the name it is looking for. As the pictures you posted makes me think that they are not even getting the model. But the item model is. The block model was always in mymod:models/block and the item model is really just this: { "parent": "morethingsmod:block/treeTap" }
  5. Here are some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/kG0Sl
  6. I'm pretty sure, because I put the treeTap files where I usually have the rest of my blocks
  7. So what do you recommend I do? I'm just trying to render the block from my model .json file.
  8. Hey, there! I don't know if I'm being stupid or what, but my Tree Tap block doesn't texture properly. Here is the code: Thank you in advanced for any help! <3
  9. I'm looking for an easy to understand tutorial on sub blocks for 1.10.2. Thanks in advanced.
  10. Thx again. But now I have a different problem... When adding elements to the List they add null and not the item. The code between adding items and adding blocks are very similar so I'll just give you the block one because it's the first one called: https://github.com/SanaRinomi/More_Things_Mod_Minecraft_Forge/blob/master/main/java/com/holydevils/blocks/ModBlocks.java
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