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  1. Thanks Lex, that fixed it. That selection was at the very bottom. I didn't think to scroll down that far since I ASSumed it would end at 1.1/etc and not go to a whole new selection. Sorta new to MC but thank you for the prompt replies and assistance guys.
  2. I've tried both of those but still can't seem to get it to register that Forge is there. It was working before and even uninstalling Minecraft, reinstalling it, then reinstalling Forge still hasn't worked. The version of Forge I have is the same: 1.10.2 but for some reason even using the correct profile doesn't seem to work. Not sure how I managed to mess it up... lol.
  3. This is the log I have when Minecraft loads up. Not sure how much help this is because not sure why it went from working to suddenly acting as if Forge isn't installed. This is the screen after opening. It used to have a slightly altered look with a "Mod" selection on this screen but now it doesn't.
  4. Not sure what I did wrong but after originally downloading and installing it, when I opened Minecraft it'd automatically run as intended but after trying to use the Animals+ Mod I got an error after load up saying the version I was using was incompatible with that particular mod(I'm using 1.10.2). After removing it, everytime I load up Minecraft, it doesn't show the Forge loading screen anymore, and I go to a default load screen where Forge doesn't seem to be active thus I don't have a Mod selection to choose from(along with Single Player, Multiplayer, etc) on that screen(where it was before). I tried re-installing both Forge and even Minecraft itself but still having the same problem. Is there something I'm doing wrong or am I just S.O.L. with using Forge anymore for some reason?
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