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Everything posted by Kokkie

  1. I'm going to assume "no." I've done the best I can, all I know is "you've done something that is fixable, but I don't know what or how." The last time I tried to do something like this was 1.6.4 and I remember naught. Ok D:
  2. Make sure it is called after you register your items
  3. Is there anyone that can help me?
  4. Ugh
  5. Why isn't it accurate?
  6. That is not how it works, you need a TESR
  7. Sorry? I guess? Well... Ok... .
  8. Sorry D': I was just trying to help, normally I don't give copy-paste stuff either but this was just... To much for my brain... And also, why is it not the right solution? I use this for a block, that's why I thought it had to be the coörds
  9. Let me make this as copy-paste friendly, as you want it, served warm and fresh: @Override public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemStackIn, World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand) { playerIn.openGui(Main.instance, GuiHandler.TEST_BAG, worldIn, playerIn.getPos().getX(), playerIn.getPos().getY(), playerIn.getPos().getZ()); return super.onItemRightClick(itemStackIn, worldIn, playerIn, hand); }
  10. C'mon
  11. player.sendMessage(...)
  12. Bump
  13. How do I use Throwables.propagate?
  14. private static final Field inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay = ReflectionHelper.findField(GuiCreateWorld.class, "field_146344_y", "inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay"); @SubscribeEvent public void onGuiPostInit(GuiScreenEvent.InitGuiEvent.Post event) { GuiScreen gui = event.getGui(); if (gui instanceof GuiCreateWorld) { List<GuiButton> buttonList = event.getButtonList(); GuiButton giveItem; giveItem = addButton(new GuiButton(11, gui.width / 2 + 5, 187, 150, 20, "Give Items: OFF"), buttonList); giveItem.visible = inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay.getBoolean(gui); ShouldGiveItems.worldCreateGive = false; for (int i = 0; i < buttonList.size(); i++) { GuiButton button = event.getButtonList().get(i); if (button.id == 3) { if (inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay.getBoolean(gui)) { button.xPosition = gui.width / 2 - 155; } else { button.xPosition = gui.width / 2 - 75; } } } } } What should I do exceptions?
  15. I now have this: final boolean inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay = (Boolean) ReflectionHelper.findField(GuiCreateWorld.class, "field_146344_y", "inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay").get(gui); Shouldn't that work
  16. I'm trying to get the booleans from the class, but I get a Field, which you can't convert to a boolean
  17. What should I do?
  18. Type mismatch: cannot convert from Field to boolean
  19. Ah, got it, but how can I use the srg name in real minecraft, and use the other name in eclipse?
  20. I still don't know how... Sorry if I miss something
  21. Yes, how can I see them?
  22. Look at how the scale method is used for for example baby's of cows etc.
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