I am trying to repair my weapon with a custom item and I thought I had it figured out but it is not working. What I am I missing? I didn't copy over the whole class just the relevant bits, here is what I have so far:
public static final ToolMaterial metalLvl1 = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial(Reference.MODID + ":metalLvl1", 0, 120, 2.0F, 1.2F, 5);
public static void init() {
metalLvl1.setRepairItem(new ItemStack(ModItems.copperIngot, 1, 0));
swordCopper = new ItemWeapon(metalLvl1, "sword_copper");
This works great for giving me the correct durability and damage for my weapon but the repairing does not work.
Here is the ItemWeapon.class:
public class ItemWeapon extends ItemSword{
public ItemWeapon(ToolMaterial materialIn, String name) {