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  1. Hello Forge Forums Due to the fact that the Mod , I and a friend of mine are working on , has a lot of Different Complicated things in we wanted to have an Ingame Method of "teaching" the Players sure we could just make a wiki but having a Book Ingame is alot more Convenient. Now my Question is How to make a Book that by Right Click opens a Gui ( GUI Pages are Ready to go in 32x Quality TEXT is already written on it ) and you can Press 2 Buttons one for Forward one Back...thoooo i have no Idea of how to do such a Thing ( neither do i realy understand Java my Role mainly is being the Idea Creator and Image maker ) Tho because my friend is right now Busy on a Big Project i wanted to at least do this. Already done Things are Creating the Item book..... Help will be Appreciated, Thanks in advance -KhrBasil
  2. Thanks...do you know where the ItemArrow is ? because either Im Blind or its not in net.minecraft.item....
  3. Hello , I have been working on a Bow lately and the Final thing missing is an Arrow but there is a few problems... 1. I dont have any idea how to do that ... 2. I´d like to make it use a custom Render 3. I need help .... So yeah.... If anyone can tell me how to make an Arrow with custom Rendering Id be more then Happy Thanks in Advance ^^ ( P.S if you could please explain it so that a noob like ...me... could understand it ^^" Thanks )
  4. lol ok thanks and no i never asked of you to teach me java now did I ? xDDDDD
  5. Uhm... What do i do with this ? because it errors me if i put it in the Events list and everywhere else... <---Noob
  6. Hiyo i have a few new Plants ( 2 atm) in my Mod and id like the Seeds to drop from Breaking grass but how to do that? Thanks In Advance , KhrBasil
  7. Hello i have been wandering if it was Possible to : Make a New Bow Give it an Animation whenever you Draw it out ( just like since 1.4.5 the Name of the Items gets Called ) Makiing it use Different new Types of Arows Making it Change between Modes ( just like IC2 Mining Laser ) and make different Modes use Different Arrows. also making them Fly like 3 Vertikal or 3 Horizontal and all that Making a new Arrow Shooting animation thingy ( like what you see when the arrow is Shot and Sticks in the Wall ... I wouldnt like the arrows to Stick somewhere and id also like to change the apearence of those ) sooo yeah thats all its probably a difficult thing to do but i hope someone can help me out Thanks in advance , KhrBasil
  8. That seems to work for Tools but how to make it Buff you if you wear the Armor piece ? Like you wear a new Armror and you get Regen for as long as you wear it ?
  9. Ok I have figured out how to make the Enchanting Thing with some help of another nice guy but now the last 3 Questions are : How to add the Blindness/Weakness/Slowness when the Tool (Sword) Hits an Entity How to make The Food not go away How to make the Tools Destroy the Blocks it breaks ( Delets)
  10. What exactly would that do ?
  11. Hello I wanted for my Mod to make Tools( Pick Sword Axe Shovel No Hoe) and Armor but with Special Effects that are Automaticly on them ( Like in Twilight Forest theyr armor is even shown Enchanted in NEI ....) But as I usualy am i have noooo Idea how to do that .... So If you could help me do this it would be very nice ^^ These are The Effects that would be needed : Speed 2 (PotionEfect on the Armor Only if the User Wears it) Strengh 2 " Regen 2 " Weakness/Slowness(For the Sword if it hits an Entity or a Player ) Blindness (For the Sword if it hits an Entity or a Player ) Wither (For the Sword if it hits an Entity or a Player ) Thorns 5 ( Enchantment that is already on) FireAspect 2 Sharpness 5 Efficency x( and other Levels) Fortune 5 Silk Touch For the Pick Axe and Shovel i would like to also make them not use up Food so would it be possible to make them Fill up the Saturation or something per block so it only slowly or not even Uses up Food) Also i would like for a Pick and some other tools to make them Delete any item they break so that the player can Quickly Hull out an Area but wont get the Items. That Pretty much would be all I hope someone Can Help ! Thanks In Advance , KhrBasil
  12. how would I do that ? sorry Im a noob i merely know the Basic Block/Item/Crop making ....
  13. Hello I have a question for my Mod I need a way to get 5 Items and I want them to drop Whenever a Hostile Mob gets Killed by a Player and only 1 out of 5 should drop Im Aware of the fact that I will need an event but I dont know how Please help. Thanks in Advance , KhrBasil
  14. Wow Thanks alot for doing that Sadly i just added all in exactly as you wrote but yeah there are tons of Errors I dont know how to fix em tho... Just tell me how i should send you the errors and Ill do that ^^ and again Thanks soooo much -KhrBasil
  15. Well classes besides Blocks and Items are and the Main Code are my Client and Common Proxys . I am a bit new to modding as well coding so it would be cool if you could explain how some things there work if possible. Thanks to everyone who wants to Help !
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