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Everything posted by NeonSukai

  1. http://pastebin.com/kPyFkiQ2 theres the fml logs
  2. "Failed to log in the server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request" I get this error every time I try and connect to my forge server. I have been trying for days to get this damn thing working is there no tutorials out on youtube or something? Anyway if anyone could help that'd be great
  3. The tutorial wiki link is broken on this page and I cannot find anything though google. Any youtube videos or pages I could read / watch about installing mods and where to find mods?
  4. Worked like a charm thanks a heap!
  5. http://pastebin.com/0wwkeF7P There's the updated log
  6. The server found this file and loaded it: C:\Users\User\Documents\Games\MC Server\mods\OptiFine_1.11.2_HD_U_B5.jar That is optifine. You cannot have it on a server. Yeah I deleted it and it still crashes. It as crashing before I put it there. I put it there because I thought you told me to install it no uninstall it.
  7. It's a brand new server there shouldn't be any mods
  8. Oh well I never remember installing it I deleted my .minecraft though and ran mc again. Went to run the server and it crashed. I remember curse might have something installed deleted everything in curse which was 1 thing. Started the server and it crashed. http://pastebin.com/nePbU45G Sorry about reading your other post wrong it was 6am and i'd have no sleep
  9. Never set up a forge server mate I just looked a tutorial on how to install optifine and did what it said
  10. Didn't change anything heres the log http://pastebin.com/NdLCyU3H
  11. So I just installed this as I wanted to start up my own server with some mods. I haven't touched minecraft in years and sadly bukkit seems to be dead :'(. Anyway can someone help me out with this? I have curse installed on my computer, the latest minecraft (1.11.2) and the server (version 1.11.2) downloaded from minecraftforge.net. Here's the paste bin off the error log. Thanks! http://pastebin.com/cdAp870X
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