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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Tried a ClientConnectedToServerEvent (again) but something I did this time worked. That is the event when the logical client connects to the logical server (before the world loads). I had tried it previously but it wasn't working for me then. Good luck to anyone else to finds this useful.
  2. Hey. I'm needing to send some simple config (two boolean properties) using SimpleNetworkWrapper upon connection to the game (and when updating the config files) and can't find the appropriate event to do so in. I have tried PlayerLoggedInEvent, but I've had a bad time getting it to fire. To clarify this needs to be sent by the logical client to the logical server each time a logical client connects to the game. It sends clientside config properties that are unrelated to the player. The packets work fine when sent from the OnConfigChangedEvent, but when sent (successfully) from the PlayerLoggedInEvent, they never show up serverside. No errors either. If you have any other suggestions for events let me know. Otherwise if you think I have the right one and it's my code to blame let me know and I can post a link to it. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the reply. Here was the solution for anyone who has the same problem (and hasn't had any experience with Gauva): private static Predicate<Item> axe_test = new Predicate<Item>() { @Override public boolean apply(Item item) { return item instanceof ItemAxe; } }; private static EnumEnchantmentType AXE = EnumHelper.addEnchantmentType("AXE", axe_test);
  4. I'm in the process of making an axe-only enchantment, which means I have to append to EnumEnchantmentType When calling EnumHelper.addEnchantmentType, a second parameter is needed. I saw on github that Lex make a commit on 16/11/16 that made some changes to the EnumHelper, which I don't quite understand. Previously you only needed to provide a string, now you need to provide a Predicate<Item> which is then passed on to addEnum. How do I use this? And more importantly what is it's purpose? (Here's a link showing the changes the commit made to the file: https://www.diffchecker.com/ICRVepsf) Thanks
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