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    Somewhere in the minecraft code.
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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. O_0 Thanks it all works now
  2. I just updated my mod to forge Build and now i get this error when i try to start Minecraft in eclipse. Heres the forge log My Main @mod file my client proxy And my common proxy If you need more of my code just ask. Thanks in advances.
  3. Is there any tutorials on how to use the forge liquid api? I wanted to make a mod with more liquids. Thanks in advanced
  4. So i intalled java 7 and downloaded a fresh mcp,forge, and minecraft files and ran the install.sh. Got a different error mesage this time.
  5. http://jdk8.java.net Thanks lex ill give that a try
  6. I have freshly downloaded jars
  7. I Would like to make a forge mod but keep having issues setting up mcp with forge. I Have java 8 and python 2.7.3. Does the java version have anything to do with it? I can decompile fine using modloader installed in the minecraft.jar. Im using forge .372 on mac OSX mountain lion Heres the terminal log. (ps. its long) Thank in advanced.
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