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  1. 1.13 took that long because they rewrote most of the Forge. Check out this post:
  2. Nothing different, but here it is (blockstate). I tried both of these (I did create "bookshelf_oak.json" for the first one): Here is the error related to only one block: https://wastebin.party/imuvevojun Also, when the "inventory" part is added, it does not give any errors, but nothing changes. And, I didn't register any model for itemblock. As normal cubic blocks' itemblock can take it without registering anything, I expected the same. If I have to register it with "ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation", then that is the issue. EDIT: Apperantly, I figured out that I recall wrong. It does not take the model for any block without registering a custom model resource location. I thank you all.
  3. Yes, I meant missing model. No, I didn't register model for the item, but it's itemblock. Isn't itemblock supposed to take block's model? It does for normal cubic blocks.
  4. I know, this is one of the common issues, but I couldn't manage to show models on the item. Item's model is a huge cube without texture, while block has the correct model and texture. blockstate: assets: I tried adding "inventory" variant with "model" and copying "models/block/bookshelf" to "models/item" both without renaming and renaming it to" bookshelf_oak", but couldn't manage to get it to work. I remember something like "generated" item texture, but I don't remember where I read it and I don't know it is required or not. So, what is the correct way to load items' textures from blockstates, if possible? If not, do I have to create separate models for each with different displays? Thanks in advance.
  5. As the topic states, what is the proper way for the subblocks? I have a block which changes facing and I'm trying to create subblocks of it for each vanilla wood type. So, 4 directions and 6 wood types result in 24 different metadata. But as far as I know, metadata only support up to 16. I can think of two ways to solve it: 1 - I can separate them like logs, which results in 2 different blocks, first for oak, spruce, birch, jungle and second for acacia and dark oak. 2 - I can create a unique block for each wood variant and save the metadata for only facing. I'm interested in brief explanations of why one would be better than the other. Also, if you have a more proper than both of the ways, I would like to hear it. Thanks in advance.
  6. I was mistaken at first. Server clearly loads all the mods as you can see here: [21:26:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, FML, forge, aether_legacy, biomesoplenty, lucky, orbis_api] at CLIENT [21:26:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, FML, forge, aether_legacy, biomesoplenty, lucky, orbis_api] at SERVER
  7. "C:\Users\Kyokyo\Desktop\Forge Server\.\mods" is equal to "C:\Users\Kyokyo\Desktop\Forge Server\mods" btw. "." just stands for the current folder. [21:26:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, FML, forge, aether_legacy, biomesoplenty, lucky, orbis_api] at CLIENT [21:26:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [minecraft, mcp, FML, forge, aether_legacy, biomesoplenty, lucky, orbis_api] at SERVER is kinda self-handsake, it seems. I don't know purpose of it, but it occurs while server is starting, not joining. If your client doesn't have required mods, server wouldn't let client join. What block and which mod's block was that you were trying to place?
  8. @kyokyo866 I suppose you did install it inside your minecraft folder, right? Server file shouldn't generate versions as I know. Still, this isn't the issue as I recently checked out.
  9. My bad, I thought the server doesn't start when you run "universal.jar". As I checked out, it does. I'm thinking about why it would check "." folder. I will reply if I can find anything.
  10. Create a .txt (text) file, then paste this on that file: @echo off java -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui pause then "save as" it and name it "run.bat". Then, run that file to open the server.
  11. I believe your server installation is in the wrong place. Can you show a screenshot of the file browser with a clear path like this? Also, I believe that this is an incorrect category for your problem.
  12. Definitely not viable, got it. Thanks again.
  13. As this will be only for our server, we don't need any other mods; but still, as you said, its overkill. Thank you for explaining the reason.
  14. But, what if I store it in another file than the world file? I know that would be very bad practice but, isn't that possible? I could simply paste it over the world data when it's sent. Of course, this only applies to serverside. But I don't know how I can assign them in memory without editing the game... That would be impossible.
  15. Now, got it. So, if I send block data without using ID's, that would be probably reinventing what Forge does with less efficiency and that is bad, right?
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