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    I know the minecraft modding basic!

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  1. Forge has its own config syntax. But I don't like to use it, I like to use the json syntax.
  2. Use a SimpleChannel. Forge docs: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/1.13.x/networking/simpleimpl/
  3. Can you copy the installer log content to pastebin?
  4. No, the slot is handled in the server. Are you making a client-side only mod? If not create a keybinding and check if it is pressed on the client and then send a packet to tell the server that, that the key has been pressed and don't forget which player pressed the key. On the server get the inventory from the player and move the items around there.
  5. You should post your problem on minecraftforum next time. How did you install forge? Remember to change your mc version on your launcher profile.
  6. How did do your setup of the mdk?
  7. You can't. The server says to the client to move items around in an inventory. What exactly do you want to do?
  8. Have you installed Minecraft 1.14.3? Forge installer requires the corresponding mc version to be installed.
  9. Somehow my post doesn't display properly. Here is a redo: ^Why (I Almost think you're stupid. No offense) 1. From what I understand, it keeps from returning null without the dev knowing. 2. LazyOptional.of((NonNullSupplier<T>) Optional.fromNullable("Your capability instance here")); 3. Use .orElse in LazyOptional and set null as the argument. If you get null and not a capability instance then the LazyOptional is empty. Took me literally weeks to find the answer for 2. And take a look at my mod source for guidance: https://github.com/WotblitzMC/FEUniversial
  10. ^Why? (Almost think you're stupid. No offense) 1. From what I understand, it keeps from returning null without the dev knowing. 2. LazyOptional.of((NonNullSupplier<T>) Optional.fromNullable("your capability instance here")); 3. Use .orElse in LazyOptional and set null as the argument. If you get null and not a capability then the LazyOptional is empty. Took me literally weeks to find the answer for 2. And take at me mod source for guidance: Github
  11. Hmm..., You really must learn how to read. First I said my main mod class then I mentioned a getter which means that I am created it on when my mod object gets init! However, I tried to change register the channel st FMLCommonSetupEvent, no difference. Also tried changing how I registered my channel from: NetworkRegistry.newSimpleChannel(new ResourceLocation("feuniversal", channelName), () -> PROTOCOL_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals, PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals); to NetworkRegistry.ChannelBuilder .named(new ResourceLocation("feuniversal", channelName)) .clientAcceptedVersions(PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals) .serverAcceptedVersions(PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals) .networkProtocolVersion(() -> PROTOCOL_VERSION) .simpleChannel(); and still no difference. And this was taken from two different projects at Github.
  12. I haven't changed my code apart from my GuiHandler. The problem is that this [04jun2019 20:34:56.138] [Client thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.network.NetHandlerPlayClient/]: Unknown custom packed identifier: feuniversal:fenet is being printed whenever I try to send a packet.
  13. The SimplChannel is working as the client is being updated.
  14. Should I register my SimplChannel at FMLCommonSetupEvent instead?
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