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Everything posted by SapphireSky
[1.16.5] Why is my mob instantly despawning?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Great, so you won't help me because you put your opinion at higher value than my worries, even though it costs you literally nothing extra to just do it my way. Got it. I honestly don't know why I bother asking for help on this site anymore. Just delete my account for all I care. -
[1.16.5] Why is my mob instantly despawning?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
I just asked to add you to it privately so you can test it... The only difference is me giving YOU access, as opposed to me giving EVERYONE access, the latter of which I'd like to avoid... -
[1.16.5] Why is my mob instantly despawning?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Because I had problems with people stealing large chunks of projects and one entire mod in the past and I just don't have the patience to deal with that again. -
[1.16.5] Why is my mob instantly despawning?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Can I add you as a temporary contributor so I don't have to make it public...? -
[1.16.5] Why is my mob instantly despawning?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Really no one has any insight? -
[1.16.5] How do I make part of an entity model NOT rotate?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
But the whole model ISN'T being rotated... All grass rotations are specifically being set to 0 at the end of the animation. Only the head/vine are rotated. If I rotate it the opposite direction, there's absolutely no change. Even if I subtract the entity's rotation from the model rotation there's still absolutely no change. Like somehow vine accepts rotations, head accepts rotations, but even though grass is set up the same exact way and rotated the same exact way, it's just not accepting any changes to rotation. -
[1.16.5] How do I make part of an entity model NOT rotate?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Anyone? -
[1.16.5] Why is my mob instantly despawning?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Anyone? -
I have two mobs. The first someone else helped me get to spawn properly the other day, but my second won't spawn at all. Or specifically, it's for some reason removed from the world immediately after it's added to the world. Manually spawning it with commands works fine, it's just natural spawning that doesn't work. Both mobs are registered/spawned the same way, are extensions of CreatureEntity, and use standard AI with nothing that would trigger their instant removal. What's going on here? Entity registry: Spawn registry: Events to check whether something is spawning/despawning: Entity class that DOES spawn: Entity class that DOESN'T spawn:
I have a stationary plant mob that shoots projectiles at distant targets and lashes out at nearby ones. And it works pretty well. However, art of the model is grass that's supposed to look like part of the environment, so it's not just a vine coming out of the solid ground. I want that grass part to have NO rotation whatsoever, as if it's an actual grass block on the terrain. But for some reason it still wants to rotate with the rest of the mob. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Model class:
[1.16.5] Why won't my mobs spawn properly/at all?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Scratch that, yes I did. Because BiomeLoadingEvent doesn't give you the biome, only the biome category. I want it to be biome-specific, not category-specific. Unless there's a better way of getting the actual biomes of the event's category? -
[1.16.5] Why won't my mobs spawn properly/at all?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
I definitely didn't intend to do that, thanks for pointing that out. -
[1.16.5] Why won't my mobs spawn properly/at all?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Your step #19 (though shouldn't it be 9?) was exactly what I needed without having to start anything new, so many thanks! -
This used to be so simple, but now I have no idea what I'm doing. I haven't done mobs since 1.7.10 and the only 1.16 tutorial on spawning is for a pre-1.16.5 version which apparently uses code that no longer exists, so that's no help. Everything below is the result of looking through other people's posts, but I still can't get it. I'm just trying to make a hostile mob spawn in beaches and rivers on the surface at all times of day/in all brightness levels. At first it wouldn't spawn unless it made it a Monster, but then for some reason my mob would ONLY spawn in water in the ocean and would just sink down. In the rare occurrence it spawned on an island in the ocean it would just take a step with super speed then continue to sink back into the ocean. Then I tried changing it back from Monster to Creature, giving it the tasks from zombies and changing what other people have said would make it spawn in daylight, and now it sometimes "spawns" on land (though not even in the biomes I specified) but when I teleport to the location it supposedly spawned at, it's just not there at all. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Mob class & parent class: Entity registry / spawn setup: Spawn event:
I've done this many dozens of times between 1.7 to 1.16 and every step of any commands needed to be run in gradle, either to initially set up the project or build it, has never taken more than 8 to 40 seconds to complete. My most recent gradle runs in 1.16 had finished all parts of the initial setup in just 24 seconds. Now I'm trying to set up a new mod in 1.18.1 and I've never had something move so slowly in my life. It takes about 30 seconds for this to show up: To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. See https://docs.gradle.org/7.3/userguide/gradle_daemon.html#sec:disabling_the_daemon. Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build Then about 5 minutes later I get this: > Configure project : Java: 1.8.0_301 JVM: 25.301-b09(Oracle Corporation) Arch: amd64 WARNING: This project is configured to use the official obfuscation mappings provided by Mojang. These mapping fall under their associated license, you should be fully aware of this license. For the latest license text, refer below, or the reference copy here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MCPConfig/blob/master/Mojang.md, You can hide this warning by running the `hideOfficialWarningUntilChanged` task WARNING: (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. These mappings are provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using them. You may copy and use the mappings for development purposes, but you may not redistribute the mappings complete and unmodified. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the mappings provided here. Use and modification of this document or the source code (in any form) of Minecraft: Java Edition is governed by the Minecraft End User License Agreement available at https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula. <-------------> 0% CONFIGURING [4m 52s] And after 26 minutes it finally starts doing something: Setting up MCP environment Initializing steps Executing steps > Running 'downloadManifest' > Running 'downloadJson' > Running 'downloadClient' > Running 'downloadServer' > Running 'extractServer' > Running 'downloadClientMappings' > Running 'mergeMappings' > Running 'stripClient' <=============> 100% CONFIGURING [26m 37s] > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > Resolve dependencies of :runtimeClasspathCopy > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE But when it moves to 'merge' it hangs yet again: > Running 'merge' <=============> 100% CONFIGURING [34m 45s] And at the very end, after typing all this and before I hit submit, it's only gotten this far with a weird requested stop message?: > Running 'merge' > Running 'listLibraries' > Running 'rename' Stopping at requested step: C:\Users\Eria\.gradle\caches\forge_gradle\mcp_repo\de\oceanlabs\mcp\mcp_config\1.18.1-20211210.034407\joined\rename\output.jar <=============> 100% CONFIGURING [42m 26s] > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > Resolve dependencies of :runtimeClasspathCopy > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE > IDLE I'm on Windows 11. Java, the JDK, my system and all drivers are fully up to date, I have 16GB of RAM and a Ryzen 5 3600 in case that's even somehow relevant, and I have a fully functioning 900Mb/s wired connection. I've tried on both my OS' internal SSD, my external SSD, and an external HDD, all with about the same results. If anything, the SSDs somehow take even longer for it to start doing anything. All other programs and Windows Explorer are blazingly fast at moving, reading and writing files as normal. It's JUST gradle. What's going on here?
[1.16.5] How do you remove/override Vanilla recipes?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
I have no idea how to do that. I don't use Github. -
[1.16.5] How do you remove/override Vanilla recipes?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
This ^ If you need to see it as a system folder, here you go: -
[1.16.5] How do you remove/override Vanilla recipes?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Well that's part of my question. The screenshot shows you what folder it's in. It's the equivalent of where it is in the vanilla files. So is that NOT the right folder? I tried swapping the spaces with an 'x' or '0' and it still didn't change anything. Trying to use the ITEM air instead of the TAG air for the key also made no difference. -
I'm trying to remove the vanilla shield and replace it with my own series of shields that each protect against a certain amount of damage like in Dark Souls, instead of just the dumb default shield that 100% blocks everything. I've seen a few other threads saying just to override the recipe with a new one that has the same name, but that's not working for me. This is what I'm trying - am I doing it wrong?
[1.16.5] Unable to modify reach distance?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Okay I didn't realise it registers after. So, what, my only option is to apply/remove the attribute if it's being held during a tick/update event? -
I'm trying to add weight and length modifiers to weapons, affecting the wielder's movement speed and reach distance respectively. I had this working on a 1.12.2 project I no longer have, but for some reason in 1.16.5 I keep getting this error, which doesn't crash, but gives me a "you can't continue until you fix this"-type error before the main menu: Registry Object not present: forge:reach_distance Full log (starting with error): I checked the Forge classes and obviously REACH_DISTANCE is in fact registered, and it doesn't seem to be registered in any different way from other attributes that I CAN modify. But it doesn't seem that vanilla code ever actually modifies it so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it? This is how I'm trying to do it: I know there's nothing wrong the rest of my items because others load up fine, until this first item that actually sets the modifiers to something other than 1f, triggering the REACH_DISTANCE attempt. Am I doing something wrong?
[Solved] [1.16.5] Random NullPointerException on launch....?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
Well that is how it's working for me, and it is working. And yes I know they're supposed to be. But they don't need to be, so if I can avoid the hassle of having yet another reference file to constantly edit, I'm gonna do it. The only argument to use the language file is for other people to be able to edit the names to translate them, and very few people actually ever do that, so I just don't care. It works just as well, and if anything is slightly more efficient not using one. Just because the creators of something want us to do something their way, doesn't mean it's at all required or even bad to do otherwise. -
[Solved] [1.16.5] Random NullPointerException on launch....?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
My Eclipse is using that as default, but my project is using 1.8. I'm guessing the printout does a generic Java version check instead of checking the version that's actually being used? But that wasn't the problem anyway. This was it! When overriding the method to define Item names I forgot to change the automatically-placed TranslationTextComponent to StringTextComponent. I'm not sure why that didn't come up in the initial reference search, but it's working now. -
When trying to test my mod it crashes with a NullPointerException. But it doesn't point to any of my code, just an attempt to compare a TranslationTextComponent....somewhere. I've tried checking the method references but there's literally hundreds of places it can point to, and so far nothing I've checked leads anywhere near my code. Does anyone have any idea what would cause this? Crash log:
[Solved] [1.16.5] How do you use an API like Baubles?
SapphireSky replied to SapphireSky's topic in Modder Support
To answer my own question, this was it... I had to specifically re-import as a Gradle project instead of running ./gradlew eclipse and importing as a Java project. But it seems to work now, so thank you. I probably wouldn't have guessed to re-import it.