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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I have downloaded and used forge 1.8.9 lately, but when i play a skywars match it spams the chat with "OpenGL error 1283...."like in the picture.It is super annoying and stopes me from recording. My installed mods are orange's simple mods, orange animations and optifine. It only occurs in 1.8.9 but not 1.8. Please help me. I have tried every way that i have found.
  2. I found out the error. It was open gl error. Attached is a photo of it. Moreover, the bug happens when i put on too much enchanted armour. how can i fix it?
  3. i don't hv logs and the screenshots r only plain colours
  4. I am using forge 1.8.9, but after playing for a while on hypixel (skywars) the screen turns into one single colour, like that it had zoomed in a few million times. However, when i sometimes take off my armour or spam open/close inventory or esc button, it turns normal. pls help me. it's the same without any mods on.
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