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Everything posted by protiod

  1. I apologize for being a bit out of place on the forums, i had no luck with people listening to my mod ideas on the minecraft forums so i posted it where i know almost everyone here can mod.
  2. For a while now i have been irritated by the fact that when you make a texture pack out of multiple people's textures, you cannot let someones else download it because it is pirating. a few days ago, i came up with a simple solution. here it is... The mod would essentially combine several different texture packs as defined by a text file, which may be uploaded without any threat of infringement. the assembler would then look at the text file, and mix and match the necessary parts of the texture packs (which would have to be downloaded manually) into your own texture pack. the text file would define which parts of terrain.png to use, which pumpkin blur to use, which parts of particles.png, etc. i think everyone would be happy with this. the original texture packs would be downloaded as intended, the text file is the property of the one uploading it, and you can get the custom texture pack of anyone on youtube without being a pirate. if anyone can make this please do. since i have no youtube channel or anything you dont even have to give me mention. this program would go viral fast.
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