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Everything posted by kamyk2000

  1. That is exactly what I use is 7zip and magiclauncher. My error log was immediately after trying with magiclauncher. It is irrelevant for me now though as I got version working. Edit: I would like to point out however that in the releases section both the latest forge version thread and the minecraft 1.4.7 thread directly below it point to as the latest recommended version. So finding a later version wasn't obvious.
  2. I backed up (moved elsewhere) my .minecraft (1.4.5 ) folder, so am installing minecraft 1.4.7.exe fresh with no .minecraft folder under %application data%. It installs and runs without a hitch. I open minecraft.jar in /bin and delete meta-inf then add the contents of forge I get the forge downloading stuff screen, the mojang screen then black screen hang. I have tried a fresh minecraft install using magiclauncher instead, same result. There are 0 mods other than forge involved. I noted an oddity. In the forge download file I got from here there is a file called _aux.class not aux.class, _aux.class. Is that inccorrect as I see an aux.class file in my minecraft.jar but no _aux.class. Also the log says that my forge is Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.4.7. I can assure you I downloaded the link for forge The log also says no mcmod.info and a previous log said something about a missing .class file that was one of the ones starting with H (can't recall which one) but it was present in the forge download zip. Here is my last log file.
  3. The problem with that is that many of the mods currently out that use forge to run are built for the 1.4.4 version of minecraft, and won't work with minecraft 1.4.5. (I upgraded and tried several). This renders using your forge program for either 1.4.4 or 1.4.5 mostly pointless for the time being. I'm sure a great many people would really appreciate a fixed forge for 1.4.4 and who knows maybe it would increase the number of people clicking your optional advertisement links for your trouble. I'd certainly click the adlfy download links if you were to do a 1.4.4 fix.
  4. I wasn't sure whether to make a new thread or add to this one, but I am having the exact same issue. Minecraft 1.4.4, Fresh install of legitimately purchased game. Magiclauncher 1.0.0 Java 7 update 9 Forge universal "minecraftforge-universal-" No other mods of any kind. Beds that work perfectly fine without forge do not work with it. "Update to the latest forge for 1.4.4." I am using the latest "recommended" download of universal. so this advice is useless to me. Unless it it meant to use "minecraftforge-universal-" which when using with Minecraft 1.4.4 causes a "minecraft cannot load with the present configuration" error. And "Fixed". Not from where I am standing it isn't, unless the fixed version has not been released yet. If it is intended to be fixed for version 1.4.5 that is lame big time because most of us just got 1.4.4, so we basically wouldn't be able to use forge until minecraft officially updates to 1.4.5... A fixed 1.4.4 forge is needed please. There is no crash, so no crash report, but here is ForgeModLoader-client-0.log for whatever that is worth.
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