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Everything posted by obfish

  1. Does it mean that the so-called randomness of variants is to some extent pseudo-randomness? Does the model of the block in a specific position is determined and predictable once the world is generated? For instance,I set a grass block, destroy it and again set a grass block in the same position. I should see the model corresponding to the former one, should I?
  2. That is really confusing.I'd like to know on which side(server side or client side) is the block's information of random model determined.And how is such information stored In the filesystem?
  3. When I looked through the blockstate files of the Minecraft resource pack, I found that 'grass' in the 'normal' state has 4 variants.As the Minecraft Wiki points out, the grass block chooses one variant from the four at random.So I want to know whether there's a way to figure out the specific variant of a grass block using Forge API?(In other words,distinguish a grass block from other normal grass blocks )
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