Hi there.
I've been trying to create a basic Gui for my Mod. The Gui has a background, a text input, buttons and has strings drawn on. My Gui displays and functions correctly but every now and then it will cause a fatal crash. The crash happens randomly. Sometimes when I try and display it, it will instantly crash. Other times I can open and close the screen multiple times with no issue.
The Gui is called by right clicking on a block using:
Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new GuiAdditionBlock());
My Gui class can be found at : GuiMathsBlock
The Crash report for it can be seen at: Crash Report
I think the error is being created with drawing strings as fontRendererObj is being set to null somehow (You can see the print statements in the crash report).
To test this I created an even simpler GUI screen that had just a background and a button. This also crashes but threw a different error. Can anyone see what i'm doing wrong here?
Here is the other Gui made : The Even simpler Gui
Crash report from that one : crash report
I've attached images of the working Gui but the upload has failed. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or need more details.
Heres a quick video if my bug. (Video is a little laggy) : GUI Bug