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in older Forge versions, I created a tree using my own TreeGrower:

public static ConfiguredFeature<BaseTreeFeatureConfig, ?> tree_rubber = Feature.TREE.configured(
	new BaseTreeFeatureConfig.Builder(
		new SimpleBlockStateProvider(ModBlocks.rubber_log.get().defaultBlockState()),
		new SimpleBlockStateProvider(ModBlocks.rubber_leaves.get().defaultBlockState()),
		new BlobFoliagePlacer(
			/* radius: */ FeatureSpread.of(
				2, //base
				0  //spread
			/* offset: */ FeatureSpread.of(
				0, //base
				0  //spread
			/* height: */ 3
		new StraightTrunkPlacer(
			4, //baseHeight
			2, //heightRandA
			0  //heightRandB
		new TwoLayerFeature(
			1, //limit
			0, //lowerSize
			1  //upperSize

and the sapling for this tree could be created using

	() -> new SaplingBlock(
		new RubberTree(),


With 1.16.4, I can simply create this tree from a configured feature json. Let's call this file "data/[mymod]/world/configured_feature/rubber.json":

  "config": {
    "max_water_depth": 0,
    "ignore_vines": true,
    "heightmap": "OCEAN_FLOOR",
    "minimum_size": {
      "limit": 1,
      "lower_size": 0,
      "upper_size": 1,
      "type": "minecraft:two_layers_feature_size"
    "decorators": [],
    "trunk_provider": {
      "state": {
        "Properties": {
          "axis": "y"
        "Name": "bigmachines:rubber_log"
      "type": "minecraft:simple_state_provider"
    "leaves_provider": {
      "state": {
        "Properties": {
          "persistent": "false",
          "distance": "7"
        "Name": "minecraft:rubber_leaves"
      "type": "minecraft:simple_state_provider"
    "foliage_placer": {
      "radius": 2,
      "offset": 0,
      "height": 3,
      "type": "minecraft:blob_foliage_placer"
    "trunk_placer": {
      "base_height": 4,
      "height_rand_a": 2,
      "height_rand_b": 0,
      "type": "minecraft:straight_trunk_placer"
  "type": "minecraft:tree"

Which should do basically the same thing.

My question is how do I register a sapling for this tree?

Edited by scrouthtv
formatted code

Someone on discord told me to overwrite the `Tree` class:


public class DynamicTree extends Tree {
    final ResourceLocation configuredFeatureId;
    private ConfiguredFeature<BaseTreeFeatureConfig,?> treeFeature;

    public DynamicTree(ResourceLocation configuredFeatureId) {
        this.configuredFeatureId = configuredFeatureId;

    protected ConfiguredFeature<BaseTreeFeatureConfig, ?> getTreeFeature(Random randomIn, boolean largeHive) {
        return treeFeature;

    public boolean attemptGrowTree(ServerWorld world, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, Random rand) {
        MutableRegistry<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> registry = world.func_241828_r().getRegistry(Registry.CONFIGURED_FEATURE_KEY);
        ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> feature = registry.getOrDefault(configuredFeatureId);
        if(feature != null && feature.config instanceof BaseTreeFeatureConfig) {
            this.treeFeature = (ConfiguredFeature<BaseTreeFeatureConfig, ?>)feature;
        } else {
            this.treeFeature = null;
            return false;
        return super.attemptGrowTree(world, chunkGenerator, pos, state, rand);


  • scrouthtv changed the title to [SOLVED] Create sapling + tree from configured feature json

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