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Okay, so, I overridden Minecraft's leaves with my own blocks.

public static final RegistryObject<Block> OAK_LEAVES = register("oak_leaves", () -> new DecayingLeavesBlock(AbstractBlock.Properties.copy(Blocks.OAK_LEAVES)));

That is the item, below is for the block (and similar for the item)

public static final DeferredRegister<Block> BLOCKS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS, "minecraft");

Register them to the bus

IEventBus bus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();

All good and well, the block is in the game. Now comes the issue: whenever the world generates something that contained leaves (trees, bushes, etc) even from bonemealing a sampling, they generate air instead. I know it is air, because when I bonemealed a sapling, the tree's leaves were the broken texture and when looking at it with F3 it said air.

Anybody know what did I do wrong? It's not like the structures would have generated without the leaf blocks, since those get registered before anything else.

Edited by OnyxKnight
Fixed duplicate in code
  • OnyxKnight changed the title to [1.16.X] Replaced vanilla leaf blocks are generated as air during worldgen

Bump, I could use some help with this one. I have the blocks in the game, but when they are generating, it's just generating air: https://imgur.com/a/ga0lHPY

Let me know what files you need me to post. The blocks and items are registered in the mod's main constructor. Trying to register in FMLCommonSetupEvent has yielded no satisfactory result.


If anyone stumbles upon this in the future, I found someone trying to do the same thing as me, but with a different block: 

My suspicions were true, Mojang caches the blocks, so even if I am replacing the blocks it doesn't matter, because worldgen will be searching for the original ids of the blocks and since they aren't there it will just replace them with the default, which is air. This is dumb, even if it makes sense as it does help with loading times, but it is still dumb.

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