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I am trying to pass down my cart entity instance down to my container. I've tried a few different things which worked but never with the correct constructor paramaters (with my entity class).

Heres how register my container,

    public static final RegistryObject<ContainerType<ContainerModuleCartMiner>> MINER_CART_CONTAINER = CONTAINERS.register("miner_module_cart",
            () -> new ContainerType(ContainerModuleCartMiner::new));

and call it like this within my entity class:

    // Entity class implements `IInventory` and `INamedContainerProvider`

	// server side?
    public ActionResultType processInitialInteract(PlayerEntity player, Hand hand) {
        if (!player.world.isRemote()) NetworkHooks.openGui((ServerPlayerEntity) player, this);
        return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
	// client side?
    public Container createMenu(int id, PlayerInventory inventory, PlayerEntity player) {
        return new ContainerModuleCartMiner(id, playerInventory, this);

And my container looks like this:

    // constr. 1 
	public ContainerModuleCartMiner(int id, PlayerInventory playerInventory) {
        this(id, playerInventory, new Inventory(0));

	// constr. 2
    public ContainerModuleCartMiner(int id, PlayerInventory playerInventory, IInventory inventory) {
        super(ContainerRegistry.MINER_CART_CONTAINER.get(), id);

		if (inventory instanceof EntityModuleCartMiner)
			System.out.println(playerInventory.player.world.isRemote) // outputs: false, client only

        this.loadPlayerInventory(playerInventory, ScreenModuleCartMiner.SIZE_X, ScreenModuleCartMiner.SIZE_Y);

The first constructor gets called on the server side which subsequently calls the second constructor with an empty inventory, only on the client side does the second constructor get called (from my understanding).

Checking whether `inventory` is an instance of my entity only works in the client and not on the server.

Is there a way to call the same constructor on both the client/server side with params `int`, `PlayerInventory` and `Entity` instead of `IInventory`directly?


Also, I've tried calling the constructor with `int`, `PlayerInventory` and `PacketBuffer` and pass int the Entity's id along and retreive it on the other end with `world.getEntityById(buffer.readInt())` but it always seem to be null.

Posted (edited)

Alright it works now, heres what I did to make it work.

On the entity's side I call open the container like this:

    public ActionResultType processInitialInteract(PlayerEntity player, Hand hand) {

        if (!player.world.isRemote()) {
            NetworkHooks.openGui((ServerPlayerEntity) player, this, b -> b.writeInt(this.getEntityId()));

        return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;

    public Container createMenu(int id, PlayerInventory inventory, PlayerEntity player) {
        PacketBuffer buffer = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer());
        return new ContainerModuleCartMiner(id, playerInventory, buffer);

Where I assign the entity's id to a buffer and in the container:

    public ContainerModuleCartMiner(int id, PlayerInventory playerInventory, PacketBuffer buffer) {
        super(ContainerRegistry.MINER_CART_CONTAINER.get(), id);

        Entity entity = playerInventory.player.world.getEntityByID(buffer.readInt());

        if (entity instanceof EntityModuleCartMiner)
            System.out.println(playerInventory.player.world.isRemote()); // outputs both 'ture' & 'false', meaning both client and server managed to get the entity from the buffer int


Edit: Is it ever possible for the packetbuffer to be null? 

Edited by than00ber1

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