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I'm trying to create a command that Changes the nbt data of the currently held item.

Ive gotten to the point where everything works except for this line.

EntityPlayer player= sender.getDisplayName();
	public void processCommand(ICommandSender sender, String[] args) 
		String output = String.join(" ", args);
		if(args.length == 0)
			throw new CommandException("no name defined");
			EntityPlayer player= sender.getDisplayName();
			ItemStack stack = player.getHeldItem();
			addInformation(stack, player, output);

	public void addInformation(ItemStack istack, EntityPlayer player, String itemname) 
		NBTTagCompound tag = istack.stackTagCompound;
        if (tag == null)
            tag = new NBTTagCompound();
            tag.setTag("display", new NBTTagCompound());
            istack.stackTagCompound = tag;
        tag.setTag("display", new NBTTagCompound());
		NBTTagCompound tagname = tag.getCompoundTag("display");
		NBTTagList name = new NBTTagList();
		name.appendTag(new NBTTagString("§b"+itemname));
		tagname.setTag("Name", name);


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