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[1.16.5] My SliderPercentageOption does't work


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I'm russian, sorry for bad english.

I want to make a role-play server. I added some sliders for stats like strength or charisma, but i can't set value. It must be from 4 to 10, but slider does not work. Here is my code, sorry, I'm new in java.

Slider class:

public class StatsSlider extends SliderPercentageOption {
    private int value = 4;
    public String name;
    public StatsSlider(String statName, Function<GameSettings, Double> p_i51155_7_, BiConsumer<GameSettings, Double> p_i51155_8_, BiFunction<GameSettings, SliderPercentageOption, ITextComponent> p_i51155_9_) {
        super(statName, 4, 10, 1, p_i51155_7_, p_i51155_8_, p_i51155_9_);
        this.name = statName;

    public static double getStat(StatsSlider stat, GameSettings settings) {
        return stat.value;

    public static void setStat(StatsSlider stat, int newValue, GameSettings settings) {
        stat.value = newValue;

    public static StringTextComponent getName(StatsSlider stat) {
        return new StringTextComponent(stat.name + ": " + stat.value);

Screen class:

public CharacterScreen() {
        super(new StringTextComponent("Создание персонажа"));

    protected void init() {
        this.addButton(new Button(
                (this.width - BUTTON_WIDTH) / 2,
                this.height - DONE_BUTTON_TOP_OFFSET,
                // Text shown on the button
                new StringTextComponent("Готово"),
                // Action performed when the button is pressed
                button -> this.closedWithButton()
        this.nameTextField = new TextFieldWidget(
                (this.width - BUTTON_WIDTH) / 8,
                (int) (BUTTON_WIDTH / 1.5),
                BUTTON_HEIGHT, new StringTextComponent("Имя персонажа"));
        this.stats = new OptionsRowList(this.minecraft, this.width, this.height, nameTextField.getHeight() + 50, this.height - DONE_BUTTON_TOP_OFFSET - 20, BUTTON_HEIGHT);
        this.str = new StatsSlider("Сила", unused -> (double) StatsSlider.getStat(str, Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (unused, newValue) -> StatsSlider.setStat(str, newValue.intValue(), Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (gs, option) -> StatsSlider.getName(str));
        this.dex = new StatsSlider("Ловкость", unused -> (double) StatsSlider.getStat(dex, Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (unused, newValue) -> StatsSlider.setStat(dex, newValue.intValue(), Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (gs, option) -> StatsSlider.getName(dex));
        this.con = new StatsSlider("Телосложение", unused -> (double) StatsSlider.getStat(con, Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (unused, newValue) -> StatsSlider.setStat(con, newValue.intValue(), Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (gs, option) -> StatsSlider.getName(con));
        this.per = new StatsSlider("Восприятие", unused -> (double) StatsSlider.getStat(per, Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (unused, newValue) -> StatsSlider.setStat(per, newValue.intValue(), Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (gs, option) -> StatsSlider.getName(per));
        this.intt = new StatsSlider("Интеллект", unused -> (double) StatsSlider.getStat(intt, Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (unused, newValue) -> StatsSlider.setStat(intt, newValue.intValue(), Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (gs, option) -> StatsSlider.getName(intt));
        this.cha = new StatsSlider("Харизма", unused -> (double) StatsSlider.getStat(cha, Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (unused, newValue) -> StatsSlider.setStat(cha, newValue.intValue(), Minecraft.getInstance().options),
                (gs, option) -> StatsSlider.getName(cha));
        str.set(Minecraft.getInstance().options, 6);


    public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
        this.stats.render(matrixStack, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
        drawCenteredString(matrixStack, this.font, this.title.getString(), this.width / 2, TITLE_HEIGHT, TextFormatting.WHITE.getColor());
        super.render(matrixStack, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
        this.nameTextField.render(matrixStack, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
        this.font.draw(matrixStack, "Имя персонажа",
                (int) this.nameTextField.x,
                DONE_BUTTON_TOP_OFFSET + nameTextField.getHeight() + 2,

    public boolean shouldCloseOnEsc() {
        return false;

    public boolean isPauseScreen() {
        return false;

    public void onClose() {

    public void closedWithButton() {
        closedWithButton = true;
        String uuid = Minecraft.getInstance().getUser().getUuid();



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