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Hey, umm, I created a new Menu, in which I ping to a server to get it's Motd, However, I have a '\n' to continue on a new line, but Minecraft displays it as an unknown character and put it on the same line.

The Motd in server.properties is 

         \u00A7ka\u00A7r \u00A73\u00A7nAlcanderia\u00A7r \u00A76Modded \u00A74Survival\u00A7r \u00A7ka\u00A7r\n                    \u00A76[\u00A721.\u00A7416\u00A7r.5\u00A76]

And in the code I get is as a TranslationTextComponent, and then display it with Screen#drawCenteredString()


How can I get it to continue on a new line with the '\n' ?

Posted (edited)

Oh, wait I think I got the vanilla class

EDIT : they just cut the motd in several pieces and displays with a foreach, so that's not fixing my issue since the '\n' will still not work



Edited by bibouche_
if (!this.server.pinged) {
			this.server.pinged         = true;
			this.server.pingToServer   = -2L;
			this.server.serverMOTD     = new TranslationTextComponent("");
			this.server.populationInfo = new TranslationTextComponent("");
			EXECUTOR.submit(() -> {
				try {
					CustomMenu.this.serverPinger.ping(CustomMenu.this.server, () -> { });
				catch (UnknownHostException unknownHostException) {
					CustomMenu.this.server.pingToServer = -1L;
					CustomMenu.this.server.serverMOTD   = new TranslationTextComponent(TextFormatting.DARK_RED + "Cannot resolve host's name");
				catch (Exception exception) {
					CustomMenu.this.server.pingToServer = -1L;
					CustomMenu.this.server.serverMOTD   = new TranslationTextComponent(TextFormatting.DARK_RED + "Unable to connect to server");
		if (this.server.pingToServer >= 1L) {
			drawCenteredString(matrixStack, this.font, this.server.serverMOTD, this.width / 2, (int) (this.height / 2 * 1.5) - 52, 14474460);
			drawString(matrixStack, this.font, TextFormatting.GOLD + this.server.populationInfo.getString() + TextFormatting.RESET + " " + new TranslationTextComponent("alcamenu.players").getString(), this.width / 2 - 65, (int) (this.height / 2 * 1.5) - 27, 14474460);
			drawString(matrixStack, this.font, TextFormatting.GOLD + String.valueOf(this.server.pingToServer) + TextFormatting.RESET + " ms", this.width / 2 + 30, (int) (this.height / 2 * 1.5) - 27, 14474460);
		else {
			drawCenteredString(matrixStack, this.font, this.server.serverMOTD, this.width / 2, (int) (this.height / 2 * 1.5) - 52, 0x245791);



I am creating a modded server with launcher, and I don't want players to use the singleplayer, so while being at deleting the singleplayer button, I create a custom MainMenu, and so I wanna display the server informations on the screen

Posted (edited)

We are not getting any credentials at all, they can join with just a pseudo, and a login on the server (with AuthMePlugin), so that the password they enter is just for their profile on our server, we respect privacy and so they will not enter their credentials into the launcher. It's goal is just to verify for the mods and launch a minecraft instance

Edited by bibouche_
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