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[1.16.5]Setting a custom spawn point asks for Server Player/World, but I can't deliver it


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Feel my pain:


if(event.getPlayer().world.getBlockState(event.getPos()).getBlock() == RegisterContainer.BLOCKCAMPFIRE.getBlock()) {
            PlayerEntity playerRef = event.getPlayer();
            ServerPlayerEntity playerMain = (ServerPlayerEntity) playerRef;
            ServerWorld world = playerMain.interactionManager.world;
            //ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) playerRef.world;
            playerMain.func_242111_a(world.getDimensionKey(), event.getPos(), playerMain.rotationYaw, false, true);


Or in other words, the spawn set function applied when trying to sleep asks for a ServerPlayer Entity, but the PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock Event doesn't have it. Any Ideas?

I just want to make my campfire a respawn point. If all fails I might just use a OnPlayerRespawn Event, if it exists, and teleport the player to a custom set position near the campfire.

Edited by Cratthorax
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  • Cratthorax changed the title to [1.16.5]Setting a custom spawn point asks for Server Player/World, but I can't deliver it

I do feel a bit stupid now. Sometimes you don't see the forest of many trees. I basically just told it to return where the sun doesn't shine, if it's an instance of ServerWorld. I also found a less complicated function inside ServerWorld, which asks for position and angle only. However, reminding me of instanceof, I utilized the right search logic in ServerWorld, without that hint I'd never uncovered my finds. So thanks a bunch D7. Final code for now:

 ...       if(event.getPlayer().world.getBlockState(event.getPos()).getBlock() == RegisterContainer.BLOCKCAMPFIRE.getBlock()) {
            World world = EventUtility.getClientWorld(event.getWorld());
            if (world == null) {
            if (world instanceof ServerWorld == false) {
            ServerWorld serverWorld = (ServerWorld)world;
            serverWorld.func_241124_a__(event.getPos(), 1.0f);
            //PlayerEntity playerRef = event.getPlayer();
            //ServerPlayerEntity playerMain = (ServerPlayerEntity) playerRef;
            //ServerWorld world = playerMain.interactionManager.world;
            //ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) playerRef.world;
            //playerMain.func_242111_a(world.getDimensionKey(), event.getPos(), playerMain.rotationYaw, false, true);
public static World getClientWorld(IWorld iWorld) {
    if (iWorld.isRemote()) {
            return null;
        if (iWorld instanceof World) {
            return ((World)iWorld);
        return null;


Edited by Cratthorax
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Well, it imports the BiomeReader, which is needed to check for spawnpoints.

Oh, you mean why I do something that already exists? Because I would often get confused on what .isRemote() is actually doing, because there isn't a simple explanation like f.e.: 

!isRemote = "you're not on a server"
isRemote = "you are on a Server"

As far as I understand it, and I prolly understand it wrong, isRemote is just used to "divide" addressing Server/Client, but it doesn't clearly tell you if you ARE actually on a server, which already you've stated in another thread, you always are(on a server, even in singleplayer). Hence why I found this utility function on Stackoverflow by someone who was just as confused as I am about the topic. I guess I already have seen how that has changed for 1.17 and onwards, because the method has changed to .isClient(). Might be wrong though, and is just a custom utility method as well. Github states otherwise. Just as well as "world" changed to "level"? Which is not really better, because a world is a world, not a level???

import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
	public void onEntityJoin(EntityJoinWorldEvent e) {
		Level world = e.getWorld();
		if (world.isClientSide) {
		Entity entity = e.getEntity();
		if (entity instanceof Zombie == false) {
		Zombie zombie = (Zombie)entity;


Edited by Cratthorax
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Yes, it does. That's because you'd need the iWorld which implements the BiomeReader, so I can define the spawn point anywhere, not just near my campfire. It's just a convenience option. It also makes sure that always a ServerWorld is returned, because iWorld can only be Server, right?

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