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I have tried this on CentOS 7 and Debian 11.   Same result.

Installed openkdk-11-jdk.

java -version
openjdk version "17.0.1" 2021-10-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.1+12-Debian-1deb11u2)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.1+12-Debian-1deb11u2, mixed mode, sharing)

Downloaded the latest forge installer and ran:

#java -jar forge-1.18.1-39.0.5-installer.jar --installServer

At some point it showed this in the log:

Processing entries
Cant Find Class: org/apache/logging/log4j/Logger
Cant Find Class: javax/annotation/Nullable
Cant Find Class: com/google/common/collect/Lists
Cant Find Class: com/mojang/brigadier/exceptions/CommandSyntaxException
Cant Find Class: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils
Cant Find Class: com/mojang/serialization/Keyable
Cant Find Class: org/apache/logging/log4j/LogManager
Cant Find Class: org/apache/commons/lang3/exception/ExceptionUtils
Cant Find Class: com/google/common/base/MoreObjects
Cant Find Class: com/mojang/brigadier/Message

tons of these errors.

Finally, it ended with:

The server installed successfully
You can delete this installer file now if you wish


/opt/minecraft# ls
forge-1.18.1-39.0.5-installer.jar  forge-1.18.1-39.0.5-installer.jar.log  libraries  run.bat  run.sh  user_jvm_args.txt

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



No.  At least, not based on the instructions that I have tried to follow.  Is there a preferred installation procedure somewhere?  Seems like most of the ones I find assume that you have a gui.





Thank you very much for helping me.  It turns out that those errors were a red herring.  Once I realize (because you told me) that I need to run the run.sh shell script, I was able to get it working.



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