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Best way to store non-volatile data in a custom entity


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I was wondering what the best way to store persistent data in an entity is.

Right now, I'm attaching a custom capability to my entity and attempting to store the capability's data in EntityDataAccessors  every time the Entity is constructed.

This isn't working, and I was wondering if there was a better way of doing this?

Thank you!


Edit: By non-volatile I mean saves the data to the specific instance of the entity even when the game is restarted

Edited by squidlex
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Thank you for your help! I'm only using the accessors for my own Entity and I'm implementing INBTSerializable in my provider so this shouldn't cause any issues.

I'm trying to access my capability in my Entity's constructor but it isn't working, however it works if I try to access it in another method such as interactAt(). Do you know if there is a way I can access my attached capability when my entity is being constructed? Thanks again.


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Thanks for the tip! I've now got:

	public void readAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag pCompound) {
		this.nameId = pCompound.getInt("nameId");
	public void addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag pCompound) {
		pCompound.putInt("nameId", this.nameId);

but this is not saving correctly. Do I need to call these methods myself?

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Sorry, I should have been more clear.

I am checking my field on the client side in an interaction result, where if they are their default value of -1 I randomly generate a new value:

	public InteractionResult interactAt(Player player, Vec3 position, InteractionHand hand) {
		if (level.isClientSide()) {
			if(this.nameId < 0) {
			this.nameId = level.random.nextInt(10);
			GuiWrapper.openGUI(level, player, this);
			System.out.println("Client: " + this.nameId); // I know this is inefficient but just for testing purposes
		return super.interactAt(player, position, hand);

And here is the field:

	private int nameId = -1;

The issue is that every time I close and open the world, they reset to -1 and a new value is generated.

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