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[1.18.1] Cant detect custom entity in world


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While i using /summon and enable tick event with entity name output everything fine but when i use

Entity entity = EntityInit.MY_ENTITY.get().create(minecraftServer.overworld());
entity.moveTo(x, y, z);

i cant find my enity with

Entity findEntity = null;
Iterable<Entity> allEnt =  world.getAllEntities();
for (Entity findedEntity:allEnt) {
    if (findedEntity.getName().getString().equals("MyEntity")) {
        findEntity = findedEntity;

in output nothing and after:

Iterable<Entity> allEnt =  world.getAllEntities();
for (Entity findedEntity:allEnt) {

still dont want to find it. But while i use /summon, its works normal and i can see it in output...

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6 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Post more of your code. Where are those snippets located?


    private static int tickCounter;
    public static MinecraftServer server = null;
    public static void OnPlayerTickEvent(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) {
        if (tickCounter >= new Random().nextInt(Math.round(2000 / speed), Math.round(4000 / speed) {
        	Entity findEntity = null;
        	Iterable<Entity> allEnt = minecraftServer.overworld().getAllEntities();
        	for (Entity findedEntity:allEnt) {
        	    if (findedEntity.getName().getString().equals("MyEntity")) {
        	       findEntity = findedEntity;
            if (findEntity != null))) {
                tickFunction(event.player.getServer(), new Random().nextInt(70,randomSpread));
                tickCounter = 0;

public static boolean tickFunction(MinecraftServer minecraftServer,int randomEvent) {
        boolean played = false;
        List<ServerPlayer> players = minecraftServer.getPlayerList().getPlayers();
        //other code to randomEvent
        if (randomEvent >= 70 && randomEvent < 81) {
            for (Player player:players) {
                for (long x = Math.round(player.position().x) - 20; x < player.position().x + 20; x++) {
                    for (long y = Math.round(player.position().y) - 20; y < player.position().y + 20; y++) {
                        for (long z = Math.round(player.position().z) - 20; z < player.position().z + 20; z++) {
                            if (played == false) {
                                if (new Random().nextInt(20) == new Random().nextInt(20)) {
                                    Entity findEntity = null;
                                    Iterable<Entity> allEnt = minecraftServer.overworld().getAllEntities();
                                    for (Entity findedEntity:allEnt) {
                                        if (findedEntity.getName().getString().equals("MyEntity")) {
                                            findEntity = findedEntity;
                                    if (findEntity == null) {
                                        if (player.level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(new Vec3(x, y, z))).getBlock() == Blocks.AIR && player.level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(new Vec3(x, y + 1, z))).getBlock() == Blocks.AIR && player.level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(new Vec3(x, y - 1, z))).getBlock() != Blocks.AIR) {
                                            Entity entity = EntityInit.MY_ENTITY.get().create(minecraftServer.overworld());
                                            entity.moveTo(x, y, z);
                                            played = true;
        return played;


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but that what i want. I want while making structure in the world, events will be happend with all players.

    public static void OnBlockPlaced(BlockEvent.EntityPlaceEvent event) {
        BlockState blockState = event.getPlacedBlock();
        if (blockState.is(Blocks.REDSTONE_TORCH)) {
            Entity ent = null;
            if (server == null && ent != null) {
                Iterable<Entity> entities = event.getEntity().getServer().overworld().getAllEntities();
                for (Entity enti : entities) {
                    if (enti.getName().getString().length() > 12) {
                        if (enti.getName().getString().substring(0, 14).equals("EventsActived")) {
                            ent = enti;
            if (server == null && ent == null) {
                ent = EntityType.ARMOR_STAND.create(event.getWorld().getServer().overworld());
            if (server == null) {
                server = event.getEntity().getServer();
                ent.setCustomName(new TextComponent("EventsActived"));
                ent.moveTo(new Vec3(0,-66,0));

I dont know how to save data to world, with capabilities that because i making armorstand in world

and then i catch it in tick method

23 minutes ago, lGuestll666l said:
        	Entity findEntity = null;
        	Iterable<Entity> allEnt = minecraftServer.overworld().getAllEntities();
        	for (Entity findedEntity:allEnt) {
        	    if (findedEntity.getName().getString().equals("EventsActived")) {
        	       findEntity = findedEntity;
			if (findEntity != null) {
                if (server == null) {
                    server = (gettingServer);
              	//other code



Edited by lGuestll666l
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56 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

No code shaming or anything, but sorry, but I am not debugging that mess of a code.

im trying to use this:

event.getEntity().getServer().overworld().getEntity(UUID.fromString(findEntity.getName().getString().substring(14))).getUUID(); //findEntity its armor stand with name "MyEntityInWorld" + entity UUID

but it says:

UUID string too large

Do you know why?

EDIT: i figuret out, i need substring(15).

Edited by lGuestll666l
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