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So I am trying to just change the default texture of the slime, I created a custom entity that will do much more later on in the mod, but right now its just a basic slime that I want to change the texture of. I have attached my renderer code below, it is a copy and pasted version of the slimerenderer that vanilla has, except I changed my texture file. For some reason when the slime loads in, it has no texture. The code will work completely fine when I don't change the texture, it will spawn the custom mob as a regular green slime, I don't want to just create a texture pack either. Am I missing something? Thank you for any help you can provide!

public class CustomSlimeRenderer extends MobRenderer<Slime, SlimeModel<Slime>> {
    private static final ResourceLocation SLIME_LOCATION = new ResourceLocation("assests/textures/entities/slime.png");

    public CustomSlimeRenderer(EntityRendererProvider.Context p_174391_) {
        super(p_174391_, new SlimeModel<>(p_174391_.bakeLayer(ModelLayers.SLIME)), 0.25F);
        this.addLayer(new SlimeOuterLayer<>(this, p_174391_.getModelSet()));

    public void render(Slime p_115976_, float p_115977_, float p_115978_, PoseStack p_115979_, MultiBufferSource p_115980_, int p_115981_) {
        this.shadowRadius = 0.25F * (float)p_115976_.getSize();
        super.render(p_115976_, p_115977_, p_115978_, p_115979_, p_115980_, p_115981_);

    protected void scale(Slime p_115983_, PoseStack p_115984_, float p_115985_) {
        float f = 0.999F;
        p_115984_.scale(0.999F, 0.999F, 0.999F);
        p_115984_.translate(0.0D, (double)0.001F, 0.0D);
        float f1 = (float)p_115983_.getSize();
        float f2 = Mth.lerp(p_115985_, p_115983_.oSquish, p_115983_.squish) / (f1 * 0.5F + 1.0F);
        float f3 = 1.0F / (f2 + 1.0F);
        p_115984_.scale(f3 * f1, 1.0F / f3 * f1, f3 * f1);

    public ResourceLocation getTextureLocation(Slime p_115974_) {
        return SLIME_LOCATION;
public class EntityRenderer extends CustomSlimeRenderer {

    public EntityRenderer(EntityRendererProvider.Context p_174391_) {
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = SlimeMod.MOD_ID, bus= Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD,value = Dist.CLIENT)
public final class ModEvents {
    private ModEvents(){}
    public static void registerRenderers(EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterRenderers event){
        event.registerEntityRenderer(ModeEntityTypes.DUNGEON_SLIME.get(), EntityRenderer::new);




Two things, first I have removed the "assets/" from the front part of the resource location string

Second, I realized my assets folder did not have my mod id folder in it, so I added that. But still it comes out with a blank texture

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