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Hello I tried to registry my custom trunk placer but when I try to register it I can't because TrunkPlacerType(Codec<P>) has private access. Anyone knows how I can use reflection on it? Or any other method :((

// I can't use super because the private access

public class KratTrunkPlacerType <P extends TrunkPlacer> extends TrunkPlacerType<P> {
    public static KratTrunkPlacerType<LargeTrunkPlacer> LARGE_TRUNK = register("large_trunk",LargeTrunkPlacer.CODEC);

    private final Codec<P> codec;

    private static <P extends TrunkPlacer> KratTrunkPlacerType<P> register(String pKey, Codec<P> pCodec){
        return Registry.register(Registry.TRUNK_PLACER_TYPES, pKey, new KratTrunkPlacerType<>(pCodec));

    private KratTrunkPlacerType(Codec<P> pCodec) {
        this.codec = pCodec;

    public Codec<P> codec() {
        return this.codec;


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